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I caught this largemouth out at Newton Res. on Valentine's Day.
beauty. did you get a chance to weigh it?
can you say 'state record'?

wow, what a pig.
Wow, that's a nice fish. I need to hit that place a little harder this year. I think my biggest fish there last year was maybe 15-16". I'm glad Newton is rebounding from the drought a few years back.
Holy Big Bass!!!
That's a nice little valentines gift to yourself!
Thats a nice bass did you tape it if so what was it..It looks like about 18" or so...

You did release it I hope...
He gave it to me to eat Cliff. I wanted to see if the big ones were good to eat.[sly]
How did it taste, Brody? heheh

btw...Newton has those big Tigers in there, yet it still produces lots of other fish, and those big bass.

Classic example of why they should stock some Tigers in Mantua.
Nice to have met you the other day! Nice bass! The secret is out! Good luck in school and the woman is a keeper. I wish my wife would come out. LC
LMAO! Cliff might bring the tartar sauce.[Wink]
Nice bass.......15 -17 at the most it seems. Good one but no giant. Over 20" is the holy grail.
It tasted every bit as good as the small ones.[Wink]
Did you see that picture.Keep that in mind when you take me fishing this year...............................Nice catch.

Rapala that which is irresistible to fish will always be irresistible to the fisherman.