I'm surprised to see no posts on this bill which counteracts the progress Utah sportsmen made through the state supreme court ruling regarding recreational use of public waters. You can go to this web page to see which representative voted for sportsmens rights and which voted for big money. As you will see most voted for the money. This site will also take you to view a draft of the bill.
[url "http://le.utah.gov/asp/votes/comvotes.asp?sessionid=2009GS&voteid=552&sequence=13547"]http://le.utah.gov/asp/votes/comvotes.asp?sessionid=2009GS&voteid=552&sequence=13547[/url]
I love the passion. But realize that news is almost a week old. You'd need to do a search if you want to see the myriads of links on HB 187 on the forum.
As an update, if anyone is interested in watching or listening to the debate, you can do that here:
Next to the 2:00-5:00 House Floor Time (House Chamber) you will have audio and video feeds you can click on to watch. You have to have RealTime player.
FYI, the bill currently debated is up now (obviously) then there is only one more bill before 187 is on the floor! Watch or listen and see who is a friend to the public, and who is a friend to private interests. I'm sure it's going to be a lively debate! There are 6 floor amendments at least that are already on the agenda for the debate. Should be up within the hour.
FYI, the house has adjourned. HB 187 will be debated first thing tomorrow morning at 9 AM if anyone is interested in watching or listening!
That gives us one more chance to contact reps. Get on the phone and give them a call! Encourage them to send this to an interim study. Encourage them to vote "NO"!