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Full Version: Deer Creek 6-04-03 (new)
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Went to deer creek today the walleye weren't biting in the morning didn't catch a fish till about 12:30 after the wind started blowing. Ended up catching 3 walleye and 2 smallmouth. But the big story is Walleye Paul's big fish he only caught one but what a nice fish. On my scale he was a little over six but I think my scale weigh's light, it was at least 6 1/2 if not more.

[Image: poncho_6897.jpg]

[Image: poncho_6898.jpg]

[Image: poncho_6899.jpg]
Gettin me excited, I am heading up to Deer creek tomorrow with Lundman, I am on a mission to catch my first 'eye' I hope that beginners luck can grant me a big one!!! [cool] I want one like Walleye pauls, that would be great. Poncho are you going to be navigating deercreek tomorrow????
I'm not sure but I'm thinking about heading up there tomorrow.
Nice pics poncho.

That is a really nice fish,thanks for posting the pics,I'm going to give it a try tommorow at willard,the wipers are finally showing up,anytime you want to meet up out there let me know.


Hey Poncho,

Just wondering if you can remember the last time you were skunked? I always enjoy seeing your pics.
Yes I can remember that would be Monday, well not skunked all the way but close. I caught 2 smallmouth, but I was looking for walleye. I put my boat on Utah lake for the first time, couldn't get comfortable on the lake, there's just something about being out in the middle of a big lake and being in 5 & 6 feet of water.
Nice fish walleye paul . Poncho did you measure it in length ? Nice pics . tight lines
Just got home from work, and I see my photo of my 'eye. It's eyeclastic isn't it? I had a meat cutter at smith's store in Pleasant Grove measure and weighed. He certified it just for my record keeping. It came to 28 inches, and 7.3 pounds.

I'm going to take it to a taxderdemy tomorrow, so I can have it mounted. I'm excited!
That beats my fish on length . My biggest walleye was 27.5 " , but it weight 7 lbs 8 oz .I believe it came out of Deer creek , but it was caught right below the dam in the provo in june of 1991 . Back then I think the record fish was only 9 pounds , So I was excited about my catch . Nice fish Dude !
nice fish !!! my biggest eye was only 5lbs from utah lake I still have yet to pick one up from deer creek . was you back tolling or what,using a lindy rig with a worm??
Nomoose, I was just regularly trolling in a S-pattern with the Lindy rig. The same used at willard last saturday.

I had to work tonight, and was Sad that I missed the musky class and its prizes. I wished I could have gone.
Congrats WalleyePaul! That is one impressive fish you've got there.

When I grow up, I wanna be a poncho![Wink] Thanks for all of your sweet reports poncho! I love reading your posts. Keep them coming.
Nice fish Paul, what kind of a mount are you getting? WH2
Hey Poncho, or anyone else who happens to be fishing Deer Creek in the next couple days. I forgot to grab my marker bouy when I left the water Sunday evening. Its up on the flats in nine feet of water on the East side. Its made of pink insulation and says 25' CORD on it.
If its still there grab it and keep it. Its a good marker. It holds well even in big wind.

I was feeling pretty good about the Walleye tourney (if we are still having one) out here in Starvation. Now I know I'll have a tough day on the water trying to compete with these guys. I look forward to the fun and getting to meet everyone that I didn't get to meet at the 2nd attempted fish-n-feed. Great catch guys! I hope you'll share your secrets with me.
poncho, looks like you got these Deer Creek walleye down brother![sly]walleyepaul great looking walleye man!-TIBBZZ-
hey walleyebob, i drove by today and saw a ton of fishing boats out there, if they are there still tomorrow, i will pick them up but i doubt they will be.