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Full Version: Beautiful day on Scofield
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I haven't been able to fish for the last two weeks, so I was really excited go get out today. Huntington, Currant Creek, and Scofield were on the short list, but I couldn't decide which. Checked my bait last night and it was all dead. Off to Cabelas to get some more. They put a board up with fishing info. In all caps: SCOFIELD: FISHING VERY SLOW. I hate it when the speak poorly about my favorite lake! Game on! Scofield it is!
Temps: arrival 7:30am -5 degrees, departure 4:30pm 35 degrees.
Weather: great, sunny, no wind.
Area: West side in 8 feet of water
Ice: Excellent. 8 inched of crusted snow on 24 inches of ice.
Setup: FWB glow white jighead, tipped with crawler
Caught/iced: 10 rainbows (5 nice footballs, 5 smaller footballs)/kept 4 chunky ones
6 tigers all under the slot/returned to eat chubs
6 cutts 3 real nice ones and 3 medium ones/returned to eat chubs

I was checked by an incredibly nice Conservation Officer. He was really nice and very thorough. Checked my bows over real close to make sure there were no cutthroat markings. Explained the slot. I actually enjoyed the whole interaction. He's a great guy. He told me his name, but I don't remember so well now days.

He said I was the only person on the lake doing much catching. He came back around noon to see how I was doing. I had caught twelve by then. He said no one else was even coming close to those numbers. I ended the day with 22 iced. Missed a bunch, lost a bunch, two breakoffs, lost a really nice tiger coming up the hole[mad]

Really fun day. Just had to prove the board at Cabelas wrong. I knew it couldn't be that slow!

I'll try to post some pics. Warning, I don't know how to resize or post them, so I hope it works.

IceAndFly (formerly Chester)

It's all about the hook that steel home!
Nice report,Sounds like a Great day.good pics too.[cool]
[cool]nice report and pictures. thanks for sharing.
Nice report, and thanks for the pictures. I've been putting off going up to Scofield, but!!![Smile] maybe tomorrow? your report encouraged me. Thanks again.
thanks for the post i have never made it down there[:/]
hey smokerdog if your going tomorrow and need someone to tag a long with ya.. stop by or send me a PM.. i was thinking 1 last trip to scofield might be in order before the ice comes off.. or i can just meet ya there if you allredy have a a truck full.. lol [sly]..
sounds like a great day. We almost went to scofield, but pressed on the Joes Valley instead because we have never been there and wanted tocatch a Splake. It was a good day but slow. we caught six between two fo us. Glad to see you got into them.