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Cool stuff. Depending on the underbody you can have some real fun.

I tied these with regular 14/0 red thread under and WHITE silk on top
DRY it looks white

[Image: IMG_0716.jpg]

Wet, it changes colors:

[Image: IMG_0719.jpg]

Here is a soft hackle:

[Image: IMG_0726.jpg]
awesome sis.. had no idea silk would go almost transparent like that when wet.. :-)

MacFly [cool]
how does it hold up after a fish gets it, does the silk tear or hold well?
I have not had any shredded ...YET. But like any fly, that is why they are so cheap. they are not meant to last forever.
I have had Hackle come undone or break.
I think it will be just fine, as it is a tight wrap.

Macfly, I got the idea to try silk when I say someone built a rod and wrapped with white, but did not add color preserver. It looked like he had no wraps. like the guides were just sitting there.
Cool effect although not one I would do, but I started thinking about a fly. Like Red under Orange effect. The red under white...looks like a vein.
I don't have any yet, but I was thinking BLUE thread under Yellow Silk...could give an awesome GREEN.
I like your color ideas especially the blue under yellow.. should make an awesome looking fly..

MacFly [cool]
Sean Poole showed the technique to me using Coats and Clark white thread about 7 years ago. With the coats and clark white thread the color coming through is more subdued and less translucent.

Using strands from DMC embroidery thread lets the color show through with a more translucent effect. Something Sean Poole told me a few weeks later.

I have some white silk thread that I have never used because it is rolled on a cardboard cylinder that is about three inches long and I am too lazy to spool it onto a bobbin that will fit my bobbin holder. I had wondered if it would be a good thread for such a fly.

Your photos show that using the silk thread is a much better choice.