[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Copied this post by new member Ken since links by newbies are not permitted.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[left]Hello All! New to this thread but not new o tinternet fishing forums... My name is Ken Bergmann and I go by Nikonjedi on all the other forums. My home forum is SCkayakfishing.com and I am the Charleston Director. I love to kayak fish and fly fishing form my kayak is the best of both worlds. I hail from Chalreston SC and love to fish there. I am in the USAF as an Aerial Combat Photographer and am currently deployed to Baghdad Iraq but I have my two best travel fly rods wiht me and all my tying gear so I have been very busy fishing when I get time. I am currently helping out the Baghdad Anglers Club and Scholl of Fly Fishing.
A great organization and a lot of fun. Looking forward to sharing what I know and learning from all of you.
May all yours rods stay bent!!!
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]
Here is their banner.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][inline BACSFF_BANNER_LOGO_SILVER_SM.jpg]
At the West Denver Fly Tying Clinic held last month they gave discounts on the entry tickets for anyone bringing items to donate to the Bagdad Angling Club and School of Fly Fishing.
I don't know how much stuff was collected but it has been sent to Joel in San Diego, the guy who started the club, for shipment to Iraq.
If you are interested in donating items. Here is what they need and where to send it.
[font "Garamond"][#ff0000][size 2]Sorry Scruffy but I had to delete that link since it contained a fishing forum. Definately against house rules. I also edited my own link frormthat site for the same reason.
When I first became aware of the club it was just fly fishing and was called the Bagdad School of Fly Fishing. Most of the pictures at the time showed guys and girls with assault rifles over their shoulders or leaning against a tree or wall directly behind them. It felt really unusual to see girls in fatiques with 45's strapped to their legs since when I was in the military females were no where close to a combat unit.
Now most of the pictures show the soldiers without a weapon any where around.
Ken, Hope that you stay safe. Thank you for the work you are doing.
Hi ya'll... I talked to Joel the other day and all the stuff was sent and recieved. [cool] We have a lot of great sponsors and people who keep us stocked up to keep the Joes fishin over here. We are actually having a tournement this Saturday and I think all the gear is signed out! There are so many places to fish here it's ridiculous! I'll keep ya'l lposted on how the tourney goes. I have been fishin almost every day, having a lake 30ft form my work trailer helps, and all my buddies back home are jealous that I am in a war zone and fishin more then them [

] Ya'll take care
ya know Nikon you are doing all this talking about how often you fish.. and I aint seeing no pictures ??? whats up with that.. LOL...
maybe you should approach the angler here on the site and see if BFT might want to sponsor you as well.. cant think of a better audience to promote to than ya'll that are doing the job that nobody else wants..
MacFly [cool]
Some pix are on my pictures here.. haven't figured this site out completely yet... Although the BACSSF website does have a few pix of me and my Fishin brothers over here on it ;-)
if ya need help with the site let us know and we will what we can do to help..
MacFly [cool]
![[Image: happy.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/happy.gif)
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]
Hey there Nikonjedi - here's one of your buddies from your site. I have at times carried a side arm but only to scare off any rattlers, but can't imagine having to defend my self while fishing. Awesome.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][inline "on patrol.jpg"]
uhhmmm awesome pose.. but wheres the fish?????
MacFly [cool]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]
If you can't spot the fish in the pic then what about in the water? Just kiddin mi amigo.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[center][inline wtf.jpg]
you have to admit that is the size fish that I usually catch.. ya know.. the one handers.. lol... but now that you point it out I do see.. uhhhmmm something in that hand?? [angelic]
MacFly [cool]
[font "Garamond"][#ff0000][size 2]Dryrod wrote in my post:[/size][/#ff0000][/font]
[font "Garamond"][#ff0000][size 2][/size][/#ff0000][/font]
[font "Garamond"][#ff0000][size 2]Sorry Scruffy but I had to delete that link since it contained a fishing forum. Definately against house rules. I also edited my own link frormthat site for the same reason. [/size][/#ff0000][/font]
My response.
I think that BFT is carrying it too far when they nix a website containing a forum for soldier fishermen and can't help with promoting some donations to them.
Well so be it.
Here is what they need:
[left][font "Rockwell"][#0000ff][size 4]"The club is always in need of equipment, as gear wears our pretty quick in the harsh conditions of Baghdad. If you would like to contribute, you can send items to me. I do not release the mailing address of Soldiers in theater and consolidate and forward on all contributions. Send items to:
BAC&SFF C/O Joel Stewart
3461 Calavo Drive
Spring Valley CA 91978
[left] The list of requested supplies and equipment stands as follows:
[left][/size][/#0000ff][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#0000ff][size 4][font "Rockwell"][#0000ff][size 4]
[center][#008000][size 4]Spin Fishing Equipment [/size][/#008000][/size][/#0000ff][/font][font "Rockwell"][#008000][size 4]
[left]Spinning rods/reels 6 1/2 to 7 foot (medium action 8-12lb test line)
Bait casting rods/reels 6 to 6 1/2 foot (medium action 8-12lb test line)
Small Tackle Boxes
1/2 to 1 oz sinkers
Snelled bait hooks - Sizes 1-6
Small Snap Swivels
Leader material - 8-14lb test
Small Spinners - (Mepps, Panther Martin, etc.)
Small Silver Spoons - (1/4-3/8 oz) (Cast Master, Lil' Cleo, Thomas Lure)
[left][/size][/#008000][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#0000ff][size 4][font "Rockwell"][#0000ff][size 4]
[center][#800080][size 4]Fly Fishing Equipment [/size][/#800080][/size][/#0000ff][/font][font "Comic Sans MS"][#0000ff][size 4][font "Comic Sans MS"][#800080][size 4][/size][/#800080][/font][font "Rockwell"][#800080][size 4]
[left]Fly Reels - Probably the most in demand item for fly fishing gear. We have rods from 4wt to 8wt with
no matching reel
Fly lines - Second most needed item - as with the reels, we have more rods than lines, backing too is always needed.
Polarized sun glasses - nothing expensive, but they are a great help in spotting the fish and casting directly to them.
Tapered Leaders - 7 1/2 - 9 ft, tippets 0x-4x
Fly Rods - The best rod to use where they are fishing is an 8 1/2 ft 7wt with a weight forward line.
Lighter rods work well too.
Leader Material Spools 0x-4x
Olive Wooly Buggers Sizes 4-10 (with and without beadchain eyes)
Black Wooly Buggers Sizes 4-10 (with and without beadchain eyes)
Silver Marabou Minnows Sizes 4-10
Dragon Fly Nymphs Sizes 6-10
Fresh Water Shrimp Sizes 8-10
Fly Boxes
[left][/size][/#800080][/font][#0000ff][size 4][/size][/#0000ff][font "Rockwell"][#0000ff][size 4]
[left]If you are just interested in sending something to the club any of the following go over well:
The most requested and useful item is a prepaid phone card
Fishing magazines
Powdered drink mixes (Gatorade, Crystal Light, etc.) in individual pouches
Packaged tuna in pouches,
[left]Again, contributions can be sent to me at:
[left]BAC & SFF C/O Joel Stewart
3461 Calavo Drive
Spring Valley CA 91978 [/size][/#0000ff][/font]
[left][font "Rockwell"][blue][size 4]Thank you for helping out for those on the ground in a place far from home. Your support means a great deal.
Fish on! Joel "[/size][/blue][/font]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Hey there Scruff_Fly I explained the situation to Nikonjedi which he fully understood. I did post his entire post [including the link] on the Moderators forum for all including the administrators to see. If there is to be an exception to the rules than I will post the link. [/size][/#008000][/font]
Excellent way to address it..
this is a touch old, but if you would still like to send stuff out there PM me and i can give you I Corps (which replaced us) mailing addy. here is what the Utah boards did for us while i was over there, still chokes me up:
[url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=426371;#426371"]http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?post=426371;#426371[/url]