03-04-2009, 10:00 AM
Drum King &amp; I hit the lake about 8:30 Sat morning to try and chase down a few crappie, :o Where did they go, chase a few was the word of the day for us, emoScratch Part of the plan was to try out my new boat with someone who really knows what a crappie boat needs to be. We did get that part done, found a few kinks that have to be worked on but I&#39;ll get those worked out, emoSmile <br />We had a total of only 14 crappie with only 6 keepers for 4 hrs of fishing. emoRolleyes <br />We also caught 6 or 7 &#39;gills and DK caught 2 golden shiners which were pretty good size for that species, emoTongue We fished docks with the water temp around 49* all day.<br />There was little flow but plenty rain and wind which made it pretty miserable to me. I just don&#39;t like cold rain, Guess I need better rain gear, emoRolleyes Fish seemed to want 4 to six feet and a little faster retrieve and action than they have been wanting in the last couple months.<br />The highlight, (if you can call it that), of the day was my dunkin&#39; my cell phone in the lake so I lost all my numbers and had to go buy a new phone last night, emoAngry <br />Lots&#39;a boats out on the water with all the bass tx&#39;s goin&#39; on, hope no one has the flu over a day in the cold rain, emoRain