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Well, I couldn't take it anymore and had to get out and fish. I really should have been studying, but my sanity came first. Seeing as I only had a couple of hours before work, I headed up to the Logan. The wind was beginning to get a little gusty as I rigged up, and I knew my time was short. I had forgotten strike indicators, so a Turk's would have to do. I trudged through the deep snow to the river and found a lovely run. First drift through and a pretty cutt eyed my dry, drifting down beneath the fly several feet before descending back to the depths. Two casts later and he took the #16 dark mayfly nymph dropper. Next run brought a small but pretty little brown who gave me a jump or two. The next run was quite large and deep, but nothing, just a big spooked whitefish. I found a nice riffle above this and spotted a fish finning in the shallows about a foot from shore. He turned and chased my nymph, sucking it in confidently. Nice, first spot fishing of the year. Shortly after I had a splashy refusal from a respectable looking brown on the Turk's, and then nothing. The wind was really howling now, the air murky with dirt, and the fish just shut off. I flogged away for another half hour, losing a couple flies to the flailing trees, and then I'd had enough. Not the greatest day, but enough to get me through tomorrows cramming for my phsyiology exam.
Very nice!!!!! Thanks, I needed that[Wink]
Great Fish!
Ive always wanted to check out Logan Canyon, I'll be heading up there this spring.
It's very pretty, with a fairly good variety of water. I enjoy the pocket water sections further up the best. The fish aren't as large on average as the Weber or Provo, but there are some quality fish, and the scenery is fantastic. There are a lot of cutthroat too which can lead to some very fun dry fly action.
Lol ive fished that exact same hole in the picture a number of times. I caught a nice brown out of there like 18-19" thanksgiving of last year Wink
That is a nice fish, especially for that river. I should have switched over to a streamer and dredged it, but I was lazy and left my dry dropper on, so nothing out of that hole. It's a tricky one with the over hanging trees and weird currents.