03-05-2009, 04:11 AM
Well, I couldn't take it anymore and had to get out and fish. I really should have been studying, but my sanity came first. Seeing as I only had a couple of hours before work, I headed up to the Logan. The wind was beginning to get a little gusty as I rigged up, and I knew my time was short. I had forgotten strike indicators, so a Turk's would have to do. I trudged through the deep snow to the river and found a lovely run. First drift through and a pretty cutt eyed my dry, drifting down beneath the fly several feet before descending back to the depths. Two casts later and he took the #16 dark mayfly nymph dropper. Next run brought a small but pretty little brown who gave me a jump or two. The next run was quite large and deep, but nothing, just a big spooked whitefish. I found a nice riffle above this and spotted a fish finning in the shallows about a foot from shore. He turned and chased my nymph, sucking it in confidently. Nice, first spot fishing of the year. Shortly after I had a splashy refusal from a respectable looking brown on the Turk's, and then nothing. The wind was really howling now, the air murky with dirt, and the fish just shut off. I flogged away for another half hour, losing a couple flies to the flailing trees, and then I'd had enough. Not the greatest day, but enough to get me through tomorrows cramming for my phsyiology exam.