It was a couple of days ago, i was going to work. the wind was picking up so i thought maybe the water would be rather rough. i hadn't been out for awhile, so i decided to take a dramamine pill. not 30 minutes later was i puking over the side. we hadnt even left the harbor yet. after that, i felt fine for the rest of the day.
was it the dramamine that made me sick or what? I didnt eat anything out of the ordinary the night before. so I dont know what it was.
Weak constitution LOL
[size 2][size 1]Hello dh,[/size]
[size 1]I've heard if you take the Dramamine to close to the time that you get in the mix, it really doesn't do that hot. I use to suffer from an occasional chumming spell on rougher waters but got the relief band. It is awesome![/size]
[/size][url ""][#0000ff][size 1][/size][/#0000ff][/url][size 1]
I haven't tried Braids Ginger Pills but heard they get the job done as well.[/size]
it was weird though because i always take the pill at the same time, or sometime near it.
I wouldn't worry about it. Sometimes it happens and there is just no way to know what caused it. I have fished in boats many times. Really rough water in fact. Never got sick. Last year though we went out to troll for kingfish. Waves were only about 2 foot. I have no idea why but let me tell you one thing. I have never been so sick and ill feeling in my life. Never have I ever gotten sick before. Never have been sick again. Yet, I will never forget that little trip. My buddy finally decided to take me in. Even though he was tearing up the fish. I did not catch a thing. They definitely didn't want what I was throwing overboard. Of course, I could have really cared less if they even wanted to hit on my rod at the time. LOL These things just happen. Everyone gets a good laugh at your expense and you just have to wait for the day you get to laugh back.[laugh]
very true.. well put.haha. while working on the boats i have also encountered some pretty rough water and never got sick. the swells were between 8-10ft. but anything higher than that i will get sick. i was in water 11-14 foot swells, and i threw up once. but this day was only like 2 foot swells. dont know what caused it, and i dont really care anymore. hehe[laugh][laugh][laugh] alright.
Hey DH tubinjoe,
I saw a history channel special on whaling as it was done 150 years ago. Those guys had it tough. Newbies got seasick and it would last normally up to two weeks and they were in their bunks and 1 or 2 guys would die, yes die each trip from complications of seasickness. That tells us how healthy and strong we really are in these modern times. No BS.
Oh ya the newbies got about 200 dollars for a 2 to 3 year tour.
puke happens i worked sportboats for seven years got sick 2 or 3 times a year a couple times on flat days less then two foot waves