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Thanks to Lundman and his patients on teaching a rook the tricks for catching the 'eyes' I managed to reel in 3 'eyes last night at Deer Creek. I even stayed up late enough to fry up some walleye fillets!!! yummy [cool]. Definitely need to thank him for the hands on experience walleye clinic. Definitely learned alot, and today is payday. Sportsmans or HFT here I come!!! [Wink] Sorry no pics from last night, forgot my dig cam and lundmans batteries were dead. But definitely had a blast. I am definitely a fan of walleye, now another fish added to polokids r[size 1]epertoire. Xman were you out on your tube last night at deer creek??? [/size]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 3]Alright! Got past the "wall" finally. 'Eyes are considered poor man's lobster. No better chewin' than that. Give James or maddawg at Hooked a call first for your tackle needs. We've got to support our sponsors! Again, great going![/size][/font]
[cool]CONGRATS! About three or four more 'eyes and you will qualify as a jennywine axpert. Then you can go around holdin' forth, like all us other axperts whut caught a walleye before.

Also glad you were able to finish the day right, by introducing your new friends to the frypan. That is a fish that was truly created for the gustatory delight of fisherfolk.

Hope you have many happy reunions with the marbleeye clan.

Well thanks TD, I can say I wasnt disappointed on staying up a few extra minutes last night being polokid the chef. That was some good grub after a evening of fishin!!! I am anxious to go again!!! I want a big one now!!
Sweet! Glad you could finally catch an eye! They are a fun fish to catch, and mighty tasty as well. Good luck next time you head out.
Great job PK, and congrats[Smile]
[cool]Hey, Kid, I'm surprised there haven't been any "nay-sayers" jump in to burst your bubble. Once you've caught a walleye or two you often reflect and say..."What's all the fuss about? Walleye don't fight very good." And, it's true that if you compare wally to Mr. Wiper, in the fighting department, there ain't no contest. A wiper of the same size...tied tail to tail with a walleye...would fillet the walleye inside out.

But, as most walleye fans come to realize, it's a whole package thing. As you discovered, not just anyone can go out at any time and expect to score some walleye fillets. Even those who supposedly know what they are doing get humbled a lot. But, when you do get them, and get them home to the kitchen, you remember why you spent the time and put up with the frustration of trying to catch them. The actual hooking and landing is only a part of the big picture.

Anyone who spent anytime on the UFF board witnessed more than a couple of heated exchanges between the walleye fans and those who couldn't catch them...but knew everything about them. I've never claimed they were the most exciting fish I've ever caught...but give me a choice of what to fish for, and if there are any walleye in the potential options, I'm down for that.

In short, walleye are a lot like AIR...and several other things you could name. Ain't no big deal...unless you ain't getting any.

Tube Dude you said a mouthful, from the first time I went walleye fishing I was hooked and that's been many walleye's ago. And every time I hook one my heart still skips a beat. I too had walleye last night you can't beat them for table fair, crappie are a close second. I too love the whole package all the way from launching the boat too the table. Congrats polokid, now you know why I drive right past Jordanelle.
I know exactly what you are talking about now!!! They dont fight hard at all. For the first couple of tugs then they come up to the surface and it is just like reelling in a log with its mouth open. But the hooking and angling aspects seems to be fun, exciting and challenging. I am ready to go again. I am hoping that this wasnt beginners luck. Because I am excited sitting here at work to go home and cook up some fish!!! [Smile] I have caught a half dozen wipers in my short existants of being a wiper fisherman, and absolutely love them. Both on my line for that body quivering fight and like taste of them!! (fresh day caught only)!!! But will have to say, I like walleye on my table best now!!!! I am going up with old coot next week on the next step of my fisherman education summer, hopefully to get more tips from him on nailing the wipers with more success. I need to plan a day with kentofnsl or BLM for a education course on macks and with someone for a day on pineview, for the ever present muskie!!! I hope to finish this first section of this education course with a few day final exam in AZ on the the tubes, with some babes, spending some time catching the bass!!! With our very own crazy donut man tubedude. Man this is too much so many possibilities, too little time. Well I guess I will just have to create more time!!! BOSS!!!
When you figure out how to create more time, and still put food on the table, please let me in on that secret. Yes, we do need to get out to either Bear Lake or Flaming Gorge to get after some of those big macks. Same problem here though, so many people I want to fish with, so many places I want to fish, so little time.
[Smile] Congrats Kid, sounds like you had a good time. remember where you caught them and they will be there again and again in the same weather pattern. Again good job
later chuck