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Full Version: first weber hog of my fly season
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And who said throwing rocks scared the fish away????lol

Well I have a bitter sweet report. My first time on the weber "alone" this year. It was a beut of a day so I decided to he the river. I arrived at about 1 pm and low and behold I forgot it was Saturday!! dang!!! there were already two cars at "my favorite stretch" at least I didnt go to the Provo. I am sure it was worse. Anyway I decided to go and catch all the fish that they missed. I am not having good luck for a while now and I finally catch up to half of the group that was fishing ahead of me. So I slowly and patiently fished my way up to them. While I am fishing I notice a little boy with his mom(dad was farther up stream fishing) the boy was throwing rocks in my HONEY hole that I was workin my way up to. DANG!!! what do you do? So I just ignored him hoping that his mom would tell him to stop. So they finally went back to their cars or whatever and I moved in. To go back a little while the boy was throwing rocks I was getting fish left and right. For some reason every fish that I hooked into got off right at the bank it was frustrating. I had about 4 pop offs in about 20 min. One was a fatty bow or cutthroat and one was a nicer brown they fought good and then quick release.bye bye. So back to the honey hole I swear it was the first cast in to the recently rock littered hole and whammo I knew he was big. It turned out to be a nice thick hook jaw brown Id say 23 '' and about 4 lbs. Now forthe bitter part. I had stepped on my reel a couple days prior and wasnt sure or couldnt find any thing wrong with it but I found out when I went to regather all my line and the reel broke into two. Bummer I DIDNT HAVE MY BACKUP so I threw a couple of spinners and had to go home. It was my first fly reel I had ever bought. So it was old and needed to be replaced anyways.

I was using a grey scud and an old parachute BWO that I butchered up to match a little green larva. I caught him on the green bug

Of coarse I had to get a pic but i had to hurry and get the fish back so I diddnt get the best shot. I dont think it shows off how fat he was and how nice and big his fins were oh well.

last pic is a little brown I caught the other day. same spot.
NICE BROWN !!! Congratsz [cool][cool][cool]

Seems like the weber has slowed down in numbers but the quality of fish has gone up.
[font "Times New Roman"]I think the picture shows off that fish pretty darn good, that’s a beauty![/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]Nice work![Wink][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]One question for you, are you using weight to get the flies down? And fishing on the bottom?[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]I have been up that way quite a bit in the last few weeks and its been a hit and miss from day to day. Anything I have caught was never weighted but I have been wondering if that would help on my off days?[/font]
[font "Times New Roman"]thanks for the report![/font]
funny you ask. the answer is yes I use weight when nymph fishing. I fished for a while today and finally realized I AM USING TOO MUCH WEIGHT. As soon as I took off a split shot I was perfect and started getting a whole lot more strikes. I used two flies below an strike indicator. It really depends on how much line to have below the indicator by how deep the holes/runs your fishing. I change it up all day. Then I like to use one split shot above the first fly then about 8-18 inches line dropper below with 2 split shots between the two flies about 4-6'' apart from each other and the flies. The size of split shot also depends on how deep the water is and how fast. It can take some experimentation but as soon as you can get one fly bouncing right off the bottom and the other anywhere from 1- 3 feet from the bottom, get a good drift and.........................POW.............

hope this helps [fishon]
hey where are some good places to catch good sized fish on the weber. But I dont want honey holes. just some place I can go after work. you can reply to me personally if you don't want your spots released to the public. [fishin]
like LH2 said wanship is a start. I will say that I wouldnt stop at the first place you see. A lot of the stretches right out of town have good fish but I THINK they get overfished and you will more than likely feel like your fishing the provo with all the new fishing buddies you make. My best advice would be to find places that are not close to the freeway exits. Even thought you would do ok. Any where will produce fish I just think scouting around is a good way to get away from the new crowds and overfished stretches.