" CALLIE " on the michigan board came across some lamprey attached to a rock while fishing , sea lamprey are an invasive species here in michigan .
does your state have any special fishing regulations concerning invasive species (as far as fishing regulations are concerned )? limits , lengths , what is or is not permited , or is it just an open season on them .
i have never heard this discussed by the d.n.r. in our state . i'm gonna have to look inti it , just to be safe .
Hey Loner,
Here in MN they have specific rules about them. Pretty much... don't touch. Leave them there. Don't even think about transporting them elsewhere.
i was thinking about " putting them out of our missery " the old bank toss , pitch em' to the dirt farm . drop em' dead type thing . , i'm not one that likes to pitch them back to breed more .
LOL. I'd love to get one of them Goby's that aren't supposed to be in our waters and keep it in my aquarium. But even that's against the law here. [mad]
luna pier , s.e. michigan , once the absolute hot spot for perch fishing was taken over by thoes @#$%$^%^ things . a gull can't drop a load without 10 of them trying to eat it . nobody fishes there now . absolutley nobody .
[unsure] I caught One on Lake of the Woods a couple years back , it was attached to a 21 lb Pike , all I have to say is that they dont move much on the ice after a day !!!!
Hi lonehunter,
In California, we have a northern pike problem in one lake in northern California. They've tried to blast 'em, poison 'em but still not progress. You can catch all you want as there're no limit as far as the DFG is concerned.
The idiots that plant fish like that are called... are you ready....? Bucket Biologist! ha ha ha Just one more for the dictionary.
Now, a Sea Lamprey in my aquarium wouldn't work. It's not big enough. But wait until I build my dream house then you'll see a couple in my aquarium that surrounds most of the house.
Hehe. Me and my dreams. Maybe one day... maybe one day....
maybe we can get dave to have his nephew take a pic of the aquarium at outdoor world in michigan . man a sportmans dream ! it's filled with fish from the suronding lakes , all trophey size !
i think the aquarium is either 50 or 100 feet in length and about 12 or 15 feet tall !
daves nephew " catchem " teaches a seminar there on the weekends to get kids more informed in the outdoors sports . the guy is all ace's in my book .
Good idea. I'd love to see it.
I still need to get to the aquarium in Duluth. Supposed to be all native stuff, all freshwater.
Hmmm, wonder if I can sneak my fishing gear in with me.
[angelic] Rat , my rods are ready , lets go !!! LOL
LOL, you know where I'd really love to take my fishin' stuff?
There's a nice little aquarium in Chicago that has a nice variety of salty fish sticks just waiting for us to.....
ROFL. Good point. Problem is, I don't have a charge card. So I'd hafta bring my own gear, or borrow yours. [