Fishing Forum

Full Version: yellburt,1st CFF TX 3-7-09, cousin,tony
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<br /> i know that this is a late post ,but my internet has been down for a week,guess i tried to post to many pics ,lol.first of all i want everyone to know that i have never fished a bass tournament where everybody was so friendly. i just guess i picked the right growd of people to hang around.even my cousin noticed ,an he is an old tounament pro,used to fish the red man tour an also fished it after they changed the name.i am so proud to be a member of CFF......will now to the fishing report,after drawing the number ONE, blast off number i just knew we were going to get run over.tony s boat only has a 150 on it ,but when someone said no passing till you get to the channel,i thought we might be in pretty good i was worried about bent rod an his partner ,they said that after the day me an bassert had the day before,that we were on the big they were going to follow us, it can all change so fast..we did not get passed till we got to bb comer bridge,well we finally made it to that top secret i fished that hole over an over an over an did i say over an over...i guess they had a sore mouth,but one guy came in on us an got so close to us he asked me if i had caught any thing on that color jig that i was throwing,i said not today. he left an 1 hour later a guy came in an got so close to us i was temped to ask him if he wanted to tie up to the back of our boat so we could pull him around..well i tried to find a pattern ,with the jig,i did every thing but tie it up backwards,i should have tried that,tony caught his two keepers on a spinner bait,i stayed with the jig an managed 2 keepers,the wind was rough,we got a call on the phone from one of tonys friends that was on the lake somewhere,he wouldnt say where ,told us we would have a rough ride back to the weigh in ,to leave plenty early..the water temp got up to i think 56.i felt really bad that i could not back up anywhere close to what i an bassert did the day before,but i guess thats what keeps us coming back ,the challenge.let me add this to the friday before the tounament,i am kind of mad a mr. bassert,he should have known that posting a picture of my 5 an a half pound bass next to his 9lb 2oz,it would really take away from the beauty of my lunker,i am debating on whether to let him back in my you should have seem me when i dipped that ole biggun out for him,,,betty lou, i call her..i was shaking like a dog ------- peach figure it out.i was tore up...that was the largest bass that i have every touched...thank you LORD..YOU TO PAT. its good to be back.emoUSA