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Full Version: Willard So. Marina 3-12-09
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[cool][#0000ff]Hit the south marina with Onehun this morning, in the float tubes. 24 degrees air temp when we got there and no breeze at all. We trudged the tubes (on carts) down to the ramp. The whole marina is almost ice free, except for a tiny bit at the far south corner. Water level is really rising...over 2 feet since my trip the end of February. The ends of the docks are now afloat.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Joey was first launched. As a newbie tuber I wanted him to practice moving and turning before we moved out into open water. Before I even got my stuff launched he hollered that he was hooked up. Got a "dorsal diner" toothless golden walleye (carp). That was his last fish until about noon.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]It was glassy calm when we launched. Looking good. Water temp still only a bit over 38. Too cold for active wipers and almost too cold for walleyes. Not for silly chilly kitties. They were not as active as they were on my February trip, but we were getting a few light bites...enough to keep us encouraged.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]We covered a lot of water, and Joey paid the price. His legs were not "tuberized" yet and he got cramps. A few of Dr. TubeDude's magic cramp pills got him straightened out.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]The only place we could see any ice was at the edge down off the pig farm. Lots of birds hanging out there too. Looked like it was open most of the way across the lake and we could see rings of ice up on the dike to the south.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Fishing was slow. I had to work hard for 5 cats. Joey had to work even harder for 2. No hits from wipers or walleyes we know of. Our cats were all between 15" - 17"...cookie cutters. Just about every serious biter came from 8-9 feet of water.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Cold northwest wind started about 11 and kept getting worse. Made it tough fishing and even tougher to hang in there with hypothermia. But, we did get a final little flurry of several fish just after noon. Then the whitecaps started and we boogied for the ramp.[/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]It was good to meet and fish with another BFTer. Hope the north marina clears soon so you can get your tin boat on the lake.[/#0000ff]
Glad things cooperated for you guys...even if it was cold. Probably no power squadron out today???
Man you guys are hard core!!!! Were your parents polar bears [Wink]
I don't think I could get enough clothes on to survive in one of those floaty things.
Decent dinner size cats. Good job. But I think I'll wait for warmer weather [:/]
great report there tuber dude.your pictures and the stories is are a great picture taker.liked the one seniors only. i have never seen the ice hang on this late at willard.have you? could be global warming or cooling do you drive the white utility vehickle?drove by today to mmakesure they are still dumping the water,and seen some one parked by the are hard core,and one of the beter fish catchers if ever seen.
Thanks TD very nice report. awesome pics. Glad to see Joey could get out and enjoy some of his unintentional time off [fishin]
Thanks for the adventure I have a new found respect for bathroom usability on a boat I wouldnt mind hitin' them tubes again maybe when its warmer, I have me a nice tub of fillets for tommorrow thanks for the experience.[Wink]
[quote Theekillerbee]Glad things cooperated for you guys...even if it was cold. Probably no power squadron out today???[/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]No power squadron? Y'know, I thought it seemed strangely quiet. Musta been the midweek thing. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No skeeters or midges either.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]And no bikinis.[/#0000ff]
Nice report Pat, just a tad cold. Its good to hear the water is finally coming up.
[cool][#0000ff]Yep, that was my white Jimmy by the gate.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You are right. The ice is holding on longer than usual. I usually get my first open water session on the north marina before the end of February. First week of March at the latest.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here are a couple of pics taken on February 8, 2006. The lake had been open, but a cold snap put a layer of thin ice back on the harbor. No problemo.[/#0000ff]
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=14331"][#63626b]SKIM ICE TO OPEN CHANNEL.JPG[/#63626b][/url] (99.0 KB)
[Image: image.gif] [url ";postatt_id=14332"][#63626b]ICEBREAKER AT WORK.JPG[/#63626b][/url] (258 KB)
[#0000ff]THAT was hardcore.[/#0000ff]
Nice job Pat. I read your report from Feb. on the tubin forum yesterday. Sure looks like a good time if you can stand the cold. Wind real common up there at Willard? Kinda dependable in the afternoons like UL? It has me thinking about suckin it up and running up there for a cat tubin trip.... I'm all about early bass and cats if I can get em. I've already done early bass this year, now I'd like to run into some filet o cat.
[cool][#0000ff]Hey, you old cataholic, I was wondering whether or not you might be gettin' itchy for some whisker chasn'.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Any anglers who have been around Utah for a few years know that WIND is something we can count on more than CALM this time of year. It is a transitional time, with lots of fronts moving through. But, mornings are often calm for awhile. Afternoons and evenings are usually not as nice for tubers. You just have to watch for those rare windows of decent weather and jump on them. But, don't always rely on weather forecasts. They are not always right. HA HA HA. More often wrong than right.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Those "cookie cutter" kitties from Willard are probably the easiest to catch and definitely the best eating cats in Utah. But, if you wanna bend your stick and stretch your string, don't overlook Utah Lake. I catch some of my biggest cats of the year over the next two months...from the Knolls, Lindon area and Lincoln Beach. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The best bet is the flats to the east of the boat channel dikes at Lincoln Beach. The fish will be out in water from 4 to 6 feet deep most days. You can get them by dragging bait or fishing just above the bottom under a bobber. Not the same as when they are around the reeds, later in the spring, but still some good action. Attaching a couple of pics from about this time last year,[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Another potential bonus of dragging a minnow or crawler on the Utah Lake flats this time of year is picking up some prespawn walleyes. It happens[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We are planning to hit Lincoln tomorrow morning and maybe the knolls a time or two next week. Let me know if you wanna meet up.[/#0000ff]
I think I could definitely sneak in a morning trip to somewhere with you or you and the Babe. It'd have to be a weekend but I don't have a day I prefer, Sat or Sun. I'd have to hit you up for a bit o bait, unless I can run out this weekend and get some carp and minnows out west. I might wind up skunked but I'd still have fun getting there and its been too long since we last fished... I had a blast the last time. LB and Willard are two places I've never fished but would love to break the tube in on.[cool]
[cool][#0000ff]We are a definite go for tomorrow (Saturday) at LB. PM me if you wanna join us and we can work out details. This Sunday looks potentially problematic for weather. But, long range forecasts for next weekend look good.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No problem with bait. Got a freezer full of minnows, carp meat, etc. As a fishing buddy, you will only pay double.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If you have never fished Willard, you gotta plan on a couple of trips in April and May. The wipers are just waking up good and the kitties are always ready to play. Special discount rates on guide fees too.[/#0000ff]
I do have my daughter tomorrow as well as some prior obligations but I'm sure I can work something out for the following weekend, weather permitting. I'll mark my calendar for mid April on Willard and we'll have to keep in touch and plan that trip as it gets closer. I'm excited to try it out this year.... I've heard the wipers are about the most fun you can have and still be legal. [cool] As long as prices are only double for bait, I'm sure I can make that work. LOL. Good luck tomorrow at LB... hopefully the kitties and wallies are waiting on you!!
[#500000]Nice catching!........I understand the U.S. Coast Gaurd and the Navy Seals want to talk to you about all the equipment you have on that tube.......WW.[/#500000]
[quote WaveWolf][#500000]Nice catching!........I understand the U.S. Coast Gaurd and the Navy Seals want to talk to you about all the equipment you have on that tube.......WW.[/#500000][/quote]

[cool][#0000ff]They are in line behind Homeland Security. Somebody has been spreading rumors that my rod tubes are really missile launchers.[/#0000ff]