I was just up on the Oregon Kokanee Forum and noticed that Oregon now has a mandatory "Boater Education Training" class and subsequent card that is issed so that you can operate a boat in Oregon.
This is not bad idea. If you've ever camped out on a boat ramp and enjoyed the "show", you might agree. Or, been run over by wake boarders or jet skis!!!
Any comments? [unimpressed]
If the training is done right I could support it.
I am just now going through the course exam online and it ppears that to operate a boat in Oregon, you have to have pretty good knowledge of how your boat works, safety equipment, how your boat operates, legal requirements, right of ways, how to deal with emergencies, etc.
I realize there could be arguments both ways with regard to "big brother" intervening in what has been standard pracice for so long, but with the increasing amounts of boats on our waters, I would be for all boat operators taking a standard test to make sure they have at least read the regs and rules of the road.
When I purchased my first boat I never took it out until I had completed the local Coast Guard classes and passed their test on how to safely operate a boat. I found it extremely beneficial.
You have to get a licence to drive a car out on a public road to prove you can do it safely. Why not a boat? I think its a great idea.
Hello Steve how are you?
I have mixed feeling on the boater education class.I'm sure if the state thinks about it they will have a class.They could make huge money off it.They'd charge for a class and ticket who ever that went boating that felled to take it.On the other hand I don't know how much more I need to know about boating,but I'm sure if I payed attention I'd learn something.
Sorry if I had a vote I'd have to say no thanks.
Rapalas R rated G for everyone......................[fishin]
I feel that Haveing a testing process to operate a boat is a good thing. I feel that thereis some responsability to operate a boat on our local waters.
You can be arrested for operating a boat/water craft under the influence of alcohol. Whats the diffrence between a boat and a vehicle, That boat can get you into trouble just as fast as your vehicle. The boat doest respond like a vehicle.
Take a look at all of these busy lakes and resivours and allof the accidents that we see and hear about each year. Could cut back on some of that.
Im not going to go out and promote it by any means. But if it happened, It wouldnt totally be a bad thing.
I would be fine taking the class, if I knew it would apply to the power squad that likes to buzz me at 25 yards in my little aluminium boat. The fees generated could also help enforce some of the boater laws, that I see abused all through out the summer.
I have taken the coast guard course also. It is a good thing to educate folks on the rules of the water. I dont like government getting in bigger any more than any one else. But I think there should be some education at some point to help operators understand the basic rules of boating. Give a basic starting point for operator skills deveopment. The industry should be taking the front on this but since they have not then regulating a manditory course may help. As far as backing the trailer in and loading the tub......practice makes perfect. I bet my wife can give your wife lessons. I got no complaints[

If they were to make a course/class, I hope that they don't teach how to launch a boat. The funniest part of the day is watching some of the people and accidents. I did love going to the mall to people watch, but now I enjoy the boat ramps. Guys yelling at their wives, jack-knives, I even saw one guy pull away, just to come rushing back to put his plug in. Sorry if that has happened to you, heck, it will probably happen to me some day, but I have fun watching it. I understand that if (when) I screw up, people will laugh at me also. It is all part of the boating game.
Where do you go to do the class? I know it would lower my insurance just a little bit. Plus i would like my wife to know what she is doing just in case something happens to me on the water.I tried teaching her but she cant learn from me i dont know why? [:p]
I don't remember where, but it was somewhere in Salt Lake City. You should be able to find something by searching under the Coast Guard.
Unfortunately, there is nothing in the Oregon Course that teaches you how to back up and launch your boat..[cool]But, there is some really good information on proper navigation, rights of way, safety equipment, anchoring, life saving, knots, lights, etc, etc. I learned a thing or two taking the Oregon course, and I've been boating for close to 50 years. It just seems dumb to me to be able to buy a high performance ski boat or jet ski and just dump it on the water without knowing any rules. If you've ever fished Jordanelle you know what I mean...[pirate] Just a thought, mabe it could be offered like the ATV safety course for those that really want to learn. Not saying it has to be mandatory.
I agree with the Jordanelle comment. That place is a mad house on the weekend. There are some very disrespectful boaters. Like was mentioned above somewhere, I heard it could lower insurance rates. I am going to call my agent and see how much, because that would be great. I also agree that there is a lot to learn. I tend to forget what the different markings and colors on buoys mean, and when I was reviewing it online the other day, I learned quite a bit more.