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Can anyone tell me why in the month of February I was pulling out at least 10 bows and browns up to 14" from the north end of Tibble Fork Reservoir within the first 2 hours of every trip there, but nada on the still water below the rockport spillway today? We were there today and didn't even see a riser other than a river otter from 1 pm till dark. I was using BH Hares Ears, with a BH Cravens Poison as a dropper with a #1 split shot about 10"-12" above both and was slaying them at Tibble, but nothing on the stills below Rockport Spillway today. Also used in both places were chartruse, black and brown whooly buggers all BH, sow bugs, disco midges and BWO's. All worked at Tibble but not on the "Webe". I know there are a lot of variables here and some don't want to give up their secrets, but I am just looking for some tips if anyone has any to lead me my on my next search for the ever elusive trout, whitefish or other creature stirring in our waters it would be greatly appreciated!
The fish on tibble are not as educated as the fish on the Weber.I would bet it is drift and leader set up. The 3 slots below the Rockport neet more than 1 shot to get down to them.
I am already using two #1 split shots, 1 each, 6"-8" above each fly. So you are saying to use more weight to get it down faster in the drift? The more educated fish in the Weber makes sense. That's what I was thinking. I am having a hard time judging how much split shot to use. I have split shot sizes N-4 thru N-9 and as mentioned before #1. Thanks again for any advice. Also that horrible green slime is all over the rocks on the bottom. It is almost impossible to recast without cleaning the gunk of your flies and the water is about 32 deg. give or take.
there are some big smallmouth bass 5+lbs. in that spillway. I say a kid last year with a stringer of them. Try a yellow and brown woolybugger. Also when the water starts coming over the spillway the fishing gets better a lot better. If all the traditional flies arent working on the weber for me I will throw an egg pattern at them or a san juan worm. sometimes those flies save me from catching the skunk