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Full Version: 2nd Trip of the Year.....Success!!!
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Short and Sweet......The old man was in town and after visiting the ISE yesterday (kind of disappointed) we decided to go fishing this morning. We went to the Oneida Narrows in S.E. Idaho. We fished for about 3 hours. I caught 8 (7 Rainbows and 1 Cutt) and Dad got 5. Not too bad considering it was -4 when we got there. 2 for 2 this year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice! But as a general rule the fish must be longer than the beer can or it doesnt count lol.
LOL, yeah I meant to do that!!! It was a Coors Light Sponsored event!!! Oh yeah, it was a "Tall Boy" can too!!!
No eyes [frown]. Let me know next time you go up i will show you a couple good spots on the river for them. In return i am going to take you up on that boat trip later on though[laugh]. If the fish have to be bigger than the beer can all you have to do it drink a few more beers then they all seem a bit bigger.
Out in my neck of the woods we are required to bring a keg, and they have to be longer than it! You weak city boys with your fancy cans and stuff lol.
I wouldnt quite consider myself a city boy, but I hear ya on the Keg thing. Would be nice to wheel a keg down to the water, dunk her in (since the water is FREEZING), sit down and catch fish and a buzz all day!!! You forget that I live in Utah, which has more liquor laws than fishing laws, so a Keg is out of the question!!![Wink][:p][laugh][crazy]
Great report and nice pics.[Smile]
True true. Just need to paint it camo so no one can tell what it is!
Officer: "Excuse me sir, what is that you are sitting on in the river"?

Trout_slayer: "Oh, just my 115 lb, aluminum, river lawn chair Sir"!!!

Trout_slayer: "Dont mind the hose that is attached either"

Officer: "Ummm okay, you catching anything?"

Trout_slayer: "Yeah, I caught a couple, one real nice sized............BUZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!"

[cool][#0000ff]A distinguised angler like yourself deserves to have the utmost in fishing comfort...and an efficient measuring system. Here ya go.[/#0000ff]

[inline "FISHING CHAIR.jpg"]

[inline "Redneck Measuring Tape.jpg"]
LOL Thats freakin rad TD!!!!
Man that is awesome TD!!! Is the chair built with reinforced aluminum??? My big butt would crush about 90% of them cans at the first sitting!!![Wink]
Sounds like you;ve done this before!
Pat, that Red Neck measuring tape is aesome. I haven't seen that one before, but I think I'll definately use one this year. Looking forward to "running into you" again real soon...
[quote trout_slayer]Man that is awesome TD!!! Is the chair built with reinforced aluminum??? My big butt would crush about 90% of them cans at the first sitting!!![Wink]

[cool][#0000ff]The trick is to build the seat while you are still sober...if ever. Leave the cans full of "beverage", for added strength. For additional support, stick a layer of plywood or plexiglass between layers. [/#0000ff]

[#0000ff]Now, you put a nice cushion on the seat and start fishing (and drinking) your way down the stack. By the time you reach the bottom, you will literally be "on your butt"...but very "comfy".[/#0000ff]
[cool][#0000ff]Be gentle. Maybe I can fab a boat bumper around my tube with PVC and "empties".[/#0000ff]
Fished earlier Sat- did very well with the long rod---------
no Utah beer though.
LMAO! You guys are hilarious! SCHAWEET on the catches TS!!! I got into some Crappy yesterday that measured about a16oz Keystone Lite long!!!...only one lil eye 23"....wonder how many cans that would be??LOL Spring is here YAHOOEY!!
Smiles Always!
you might be 2 for 2, but that only means your going to be skunked when we go down to powell in like 40 something days
Glad to see you gettin out! I will be up that way the weekend of the 4th of July and any weekend I can until then. We still gotta meet up sometime, I still owe you some beer!