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When will the Michigan Department of Natural Resources get off it's lazy hind quarters and do studies here in Michigan pertaining to michigan fish and game ?

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I have to express I'm feeling a little uneasy with the proposed regulations .
Nothing, and I say nothing is ever what the MiDNR states it is about . From what I have read it's all about "the Mi.DNR having "complete control" over lake access and usage .

Why would the Mi.DNR want this ?

The last few years several lakes in our area had the size and take limit lifted on pike .

The recent house bills introduced over the last decade to give local townships, cites , associations and yes , land developers control over lakes and rivers also raises a question on the motive behind the new proposals .

Another thing about this and other proposals that the Mi.DNR decides to act on have no valid information based on studies done in Michigan .
What are we paying these persons to do ? Read information over the net from studies done in other states and apply them to our geographic location ?

The CWD study from the western states , the NRC/Mi.DNR recommendation was to follow the western states bait ban plans that failed and was abandoned by those same states.
Not one study or follow-up on the decease from our DNR .
The only thing our states DNR did was apply for the additional federal funding to test for the non-existent CWD .

Now the DNR wants to make our pike and muskey as big as they grow in minnesota , unrealistic thinking , because this is michigan , not minnesota .

How much money is our state wasting to have someone sit on a computer doing out of state copy and paste research instead of being out in our state lands and waters doing what their job requires them to do , hands on research and studies .

I have a proposal the Michigan DNR needs to consider , the pay scale of the Mexico version of the DNR compared to the Michigan DNR pay scale .
it is most difficult at times to understand how and upon what basis dicisions are made by the MI DNR...

some dicisions are valid while some are questionable to say the least and leaves one to wonder the motives.. Political or Payoffs or Just plain stupidity. who's to say.

I do know this, Every year Internships are availabe for collage studants to go out and do nothing but fish measure and weigh species of lake st clair... one would hope that these studies of this modle lake would not be used a baises to say all lakes can support the enormous pike and musky that lake st clair can suport.

few lakes in michigan can support the quanity of species of those quality. At one time our lakes could, but since the introduction of invasive species competing for the same beds while other invasive species feed upon those beds leave feeding grounds producing poor yeilds of feeder fish resulting in vast plantings of species sportsmant disire a nessisity.

It is for these vary reasons I believe that taking our elected highest DNR posistion to an apointed postion and the grace and whim of the governer was a mistake and should be reverced. our current governer has to power to reverce the mistake of the last governer.

I know if it were my dicision I would want some one who understands and has the motivation to meet the needs of michigan sportsmen, recreationalist, and natural resorce market, A person that can be heald accountable, and removable by Michigan voters.

There is how ever the other end of the problem and that is like any other political ariena we end up with yet another politition, We cant win for Loosin...

It is hard for persons of who puts 75-250k a year in their pockets to understand that there are people in this state who still live off the land need the graces of michigans natural resorce much like the indians of old, and its a misconception that catering to the well to do makes more political sence than seeing that finanancialy strapped indivituals have the resorces to go out and harvest.

yes it is true that there is a program for secsesfull sprotsmen to donate thier harvest to food banks, pantries, and what nots, I have yet to see any of this harvest go to a financialy strapped home. nor have I seen it available in the instituions that dristribute food and resorces... Mind you I am not saying there is something wrong here, I am just saying I have yet to see it... and it dose make me wonder to what extent are these harvested animals actualy do reach those who are in need?

True there are lots of short-commings, that is why it is of most importance that when short-commings are noticed that they are questioned and brought out in to the light of day and not hidden in obscurety of political motives to benifit the development of lands of habitat.

The problems wont go away untill our government sees and makes it is more profitable in the long run to redevelop existing developed lands that are falling to ruins.

In shrot make it profitable for developers to buy existing developed land to both the buyer and seller.

Point and case is, the vary things they need to put in new developments is the vary same that falling down and delapidated zones are in dire need of...

how do we do this one might ask? simple I say, grant the individual seller of those delapidated properties exemption of taxes on the sale. thus reducing the price needed by developers to redevelop. and every body wins.

every body wins, the environment wins by the need for undevloped land is reduced or eliminated, areas that are falling to blite are restored to viger, those living in those areas are given the money to move in to better accomidations thus upgrading thier standards of living.

this would help reverce the downward cycle that michigan has been spiraling in to... otherwise known as the grand flush of existance to which michigan has been experienceing for the last 40 years.