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Full Version: Porcupine 3/14/09
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Went to Porcupine today for the last ice trip of the year. Got there at first light and headed out to where we fished last trip. Fishing was pretty slow (caught 2), so we headed over to the south by the cliffs. Stayed the rest of the mornng there only seeing a few schools here and there. Had a lot of drive by hits but they were hard to hook. My son and I caught about 10-12 fish, my brother caught 1 right as we were leaving and my other buddy had 0. We stayed until about 11:30, then headed in. There were a few other groups out today but I didn't see a whole lot of other guys catching fish. Edges were pretty good but you could see where they have been wet lately. If it stays warm be prepared for soft edges.
Nice report Travis, were all the fish you caught kokes? How was the road getting up to the dam?
Yes we targeted and caught Kokanee. They were still small though, mostly 10-11 inches. We did get a few that were around 6" and they are waiting for next years meals.
The road was good, most of the snow had melted in the tire tracks so it was pretty easy going.