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Full Version: Scofield 03/14/09 (edge pics)
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My wife and I fished Scofield on 3/14. Great weather, and fishing was pretty good. I caught eight, she caught seven.

Arrived about 8:00. Temp was -5
Left about 2:30. Temp was 46
Used: Glo White jig head tipped with crawler
Depth: 6-8 feet
15 Fish iced: 2 bows, 5 cutts, 8 tigers Not alot of size this year.
Ice 20-24 inches solid, still snow covered. Edges solid.

I attached some pics(warning they are big) that show the banks and edges for all those interested in ice's going to be a while. Fun day with the wife on the ice.

IceAndFly (formerly known as Chester)
Thanks for the edge information i am counting days till ice off.. I am getting too old and fat to hand drill ice holes any more.
Thanks for the always excellent report.