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[Image: happy.gif]California
[font "Georgia"][#333333]“Tracing rivers to their fountains makes the most charming of travels. As the life blood of the landscapes, the best of wilderness comes to their banks, and not one dull passage is found in all their eventful histories.”[/#333333][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#333333]John Muir, one of California’s greatest citizens, marveled at the “eventful histories” of the state’s rivers. As these waters journey from the mountains to the sea or the Great Basin, they encounter the full sweep of the state’s remarkable landscape. [/#333333][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#333333]No human or animal knows these histories better than the state’s salmon and trout. Trout Unlimited’s California mandate is to protect, reconnect, restore and sustain our great salmon, steelhead, and trout – from the source to the sea.[/#333333][/font]

[indent][indent][font "Georgia"][#333333][font "Georgia"][#333333][url ""][#006699]Protect – California’s Headwaters and Roadless Backcountry[/#006699][/b][/url]
The [font "Georgia"][#333333]Sportsmen’s Conservation Project[/#333333][/font] in California educates and promotes action among anglers and hunters to better protect and manage our public lands.[/#333333][/font][/#333333][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#333333][font "Georgia"][#333333][url ""][#006699]Reconnect – Stream Flows for Salmon and Trout[/#006699][/url]
The California Water Project enhances stream flows and habitat through water policy reform, cooperative programs with water users, and hydropower reform. [/#333333][/font][/#333333][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#333333][font "Georgia"][#333333][url ""][#006699]Restore – California Watersheds[/#006699][/url]
The North Coast Coho Project is a partnership of unprecedented scale and scope that works cooperatively to restore coho salmon runs in northern California. The Golden Trout Project is a collaborative effort to protect and restore the California Golden Trout, our state fish.[/#333333][/font][/#333333][/font]
[font "Georgia"][#333333][font "Georgia"][#333333][font "Georgia"][font "Georgia"][url ""][#006699]Sustain – Through Education and Celebration[/#006699][/url][url ""]
[/font][/font][/url]Steelhead in the Classroom and the annual Healdsburg Wild Steelhead Festival educate citizens of all ages about the value of sustaining and celebrating healthy watersheds and fish populations and preparing for lasting conservation.[/#333333][/font]
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