Fishing Forum

Full Version: Leaky's New Chef
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[cool]Leaky can't teach Bud how to take his pic with a digital camera, but it looks like he has him doing kitchen detail.

[Image: dogchef.jpg]

Sorry, Bud, if we didn't get your good side.

thatsss a gggggggggoooooooooooooooooooddddddddddddddddd



Ya know, I work my "tail" off for that guy, what does he do? He wants me to net his fish now!!!!!! It's not enough that I carry those da_n spiney things in for him!!! Now he wants me to cook em!!!! Doesn't even give me any!!! Where the He_l did you get my picture. What do you mean, good side? All my side are great!!! Least you could have done was to volunteer to help rather than sit there and drink beer!!!! I'll get even! Wait till I come down there to visit. Babe and I have a plan!!!!
