So I arrive 30 minutes late and take an open seat in the front row. Several nice folks

or nod at me as I make my way in interrupting the presentation. Kevin is polite and doesn't let me stop him from getting his message out. I guess everyone realizes most people still have to workt to pay for their fishing. Everything settles down and I start taking notes while Kevin or Jerry are presenting, relishing the opportunity to learn something, anything, more about walleye fishing.
As the time goes on I keep noticing this great big, red headed, grey and red bearded, bear of a man 2 seats over staring at me. Everytime I look back and notice I look around me, see nothing of interest and direct my attention back forward trying to ignore it. All the while I'm thinking either
A) The guy doesn't like the fact that I'm sporting BSU colors in enemy territory?
B) Is this the guy I cut off from 2 lanes over because I was about to miss the exit coming here?
C) He thinks I'm cute?
D) He's pissed because I took his wife's chair?
One or all of the above, I'm starting to think sure is a good thing I've had that concealed carry permit the last 15 years. You never know when you'll need it. Wait a minute, that would probably be allot more useful if I was actually carrying... Hmmm, I'm pretty sure I could out run him, especially if I get the jump on him before he's expecting it.
"bout this time he leans over, waits for me to make eye contact again and say "Do I know you?"
'uhhh, nnnoooo, aaahh, I ddddon't think so...'
"You sure?" now starts to crack a

that is infectious instead of threatening.
I think, wow, you know he's got a beard, he's big and grizzly looking, maybe looks something like those pics I've seen of fuzzyfisher... So I take a shot and say
'You a BFT'r?'
Now we get the full blown

and he's says "Yes". Before he can say anything else I want to impress him with my knowlege so I guess 'fuzzyfisher'?
Wrong answer. Turns out my overactive immagination was just that it was Pikeman and Lettsfish...
Lettsfish and Pikeman, it was great to meet you both. I look forward to seeing you on the water some time. Pikeman, thanks for the Yuba pike tips. Definately going to give that a shot this year. Take care, Todd...