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I live in Riverton and will be heading up to the walleye clinic tonight if anyone from that area would like to car pool let me know....

Thanks, Todd...
Just got back from the walleye clinic. Wow. What a great opportunity to pick the pros brains. I learned a lot. and they had some great raffel prizes besides the trips. All in all well worth the time I would do it again in a second.
I am bummed that I couldnt go I was planning on it. I had unexpected work!!. I really wanted to get some early season tips on starvation. That is the good thing about going to work unexpectedly I work out by Starvation and will be fishing there tomorrow 4am or so. I will start. Did you learn anything worthwhile that might help me tomorrow|? I will only have a drift boat. I know its funny to use it but its all i have to use at this time but at least I can get off the shore. I am just hoping for a walleye but even a nice brown would be accepted as a great prize. I think the drift boat might be a good thing to cruise the shores with durring the early am hours nice and quietly.
After seeing some of your pictures I thought you was giving the clinic.....[Smile].....[shocked].......I do have some advice for you.This time just be careful who you go[Wink]....jplacquay what is up?....[Wink] That was some good advice about the Lowance site.I found it to be very informative.

Rapalas are high breed from over achieving dominating influence do to super factors of fish desire noted by scientific study to gain worthiness without prejudices.If you don't believe that watch one swim..............
the stringer at starvation is from May. I can catchem good after they spawn. I am trying to learn some pre-spawn tactics cause I always find myself not being able to help the fact that if I think walleye are able to be caught I should be out trying. I think I get open water spring fever too and am way too eager. Thanks for the advice.
who are you talking about that I should be careful to fish with?.... jplaquaY?LOL
I was trying not to be that obvious.I was also just kidding.I'm sure jplacquay has a trick or two up his sleeve.Just not last again..............[Wink]
No Fod I admire you for wanting to improve your skills.Knowledge is king regardless of task at hand.When you quit learning you never get better......................[Smile]
Oh yea my walleye skills aren't so hot.Walleye fishing has humbled me more than once.............................[:/]

Rapalas are high breed from over achieving dominating influence do to super factors of fish desire noted by scientific study to gain worthiness without prejudices.If you don't believe that watch one swim..............
I humbly state that "I will never know everything about everything!!" anybody who says that they DO is already lacking some very important knowledge.(and social skills too). I honestly have never caught a laker in my life, or any fish that is over 10 lbs(carp). I would show you around starvation any time you want. I know a little thing or too on deer creek as well. I will say,.....i am not a pro on walleye but I think I could keep up with most. I have probably been skunked for walleye more than I would like to admit.
Also was at the walleye clinic and got to meet WET1 (hey you've got to get rid of that Boise State hat - we'll get you a nice red Utes one - ok?) and see Pikeman again.

I enjoy listening to fishermen who are good at what they do.

Readers Digest version of some of my mental notes that the speakers said about walleye:

-Catch and kill at Red Fleet - the walleye were bucketed in, there are 3 age classes of walleye and if they do not get them under control the State will likely rotenone the lake.
- Our wardens have to each cover a couple thousand sq miles. Poachers hot line is manned 24-7. Use it!
- Keep it simple. Fish ways and methods in which you have confidence
- Use scent control on hands and baits.
- Early season (pre-spawn and spawn) fish shallow 5'-15'
- Try a jigging spoon with vertical presentation tipped with a crawler later in the year. This is a method I've rarely used and will try.
- Walleye like turbid water - try the wave line dirty water edge.
- Bottom bouncers and Lindy Rigs can be used as "locator" systems then switch to jigs or cranks.
- On windy days (and if you think about our better walleye lakes they ALWAYS get windy) try to fish more vertical and with bouncers so you get better feel.
-Snap weights make a great substitute for downriggers.
-Move to find the fish.
-What worked yesterday may not work today so change methods until something works.
-Don't jerk set the hook - sweep the hook set.
-If you use fluorocarbon line make sure you REALLY wet the line as you tie knots.

I know there was a lot more, but you know once you get over 50.....
So I arrive 30 minutes late and take an open seat in the front row. Several nice folks Smile or nod at me as I make my way in interrupting the presentation. Kevin is polite and doesn't let me stop him from getting his message out. I guess everyone realizes most people still have to workt to pay for their fishing. Everything settles down and I start taking notes while Kevin or Jerry are presenting, relishing the opportunity to learn something, anything, more about walleye fishing.
As the time goes on I keep noticing this great big, red headed, grey and red bearded, bear of a man 2 seats over staring at me. Everytime I look back and notice I look around me, see nothing of interest and direct my attention back forward trying to ignore it. All the while I'm thinking either

A) The guy doesn't like the fact that I'm sporting BSU colors in enemy territory?

B) Is this the guy I cut off from 2 lanes over because I was about to miss the exit coming here?

C) He thinks I'm cute?

D) He's pissed because I took his wife's chair?

One or all of the above, I'm starting to think sure is a good thing I've had that concealed carry permit the last 15 years. You never know when you'll need it. Wait a minute, that would probably be allot more useful if I was actually carrying... Hmmm, I'm pretty sure I could out run him, especially if I get the jump on him before he's expecting it.

"bout this time he leans over, waits for me to make eye contact again and say "Do I know you?"

'uhhh, nnnoooo, aaahh, I ddddon't think so...'

"You sure?" now starts to crack a Smile that is infectious instead of threatening.

I think, wow, you know he's got a beard, he's big and grizzly looking, maybe looks something like those pics I've seen of fuzzyfisher... So I take a shot and say

'You a BFT'r?'

Now we get the full blown Smile and he's says "Yes". Before he can say anything else I want to impress him with my knowlege so I guess 'fuzzyfisher'?

Wrong answer. Turns out my overactive immagination was just that it was Pikeman and Lettsfish...

Lettsfish and Pikeman, it was great to meet you both. I look forward to seeing you on the water some time. Pikeman, thanks for the Yuba pike tips. Definately going to give that a shot this year. Take care, Todd...
letsfish summed it up pretty good. Keep it simple, cover sent, try spoon jig for deep suspended Walleye, look for the dirty water, use bottom bouncer to locate, don't count on catching fish.