Fishing Forum

Full Version: fishful thinkin, Chick, Crappie, 3/18/09
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I got out last night after work around midnight or so. A buddy had some leftover minners, so went over to Chester Frost to fish off the peir for a little bit. Ended up being a pretty good night. We fished until around 2 am and ended up catching around 20 or so (all crappie) with only 4 that didn't measure. All fish were caught on minners under a slip bobber right around 4 to 5 feet deep out under the lights off the peir. Right as we were getting ready to pack, my buddy got a hit and it just took off with his bobber. As he reeled it in, we both thought it was probably a bass because of the fight and the size. When we finally got up on the peir, gently with an ultralight and 6 lb test, it was by far the best crappie of the night. Our last fish ended up measuring close to 15" and fat 3 lbs even on my digital scales!!!! For once, it was finally worth that last cast before heading home!!!