For myself, i'm looking at a mossberg 500.<br>I've heard only good things about this underrated gun.<br>Usage will be for birds and clays.<br>Anyone compared these 2 guns.<br>How about the 12 vs 20's?? IS one bettrer at a certain gauge?<br><br><br>[laugh]
From personal experience I have to say the Remington 870 gives a lot less trouble. I have worn out the Mossberg 500 and had to have several parts repaired or replaced. Both will do a good job it's all a matter of which model fits you best, feels right and of course price can play into it. If your talking about an 870 Wingmaster, it wins hands down. But the less expensive Express would level the field. Good hunting, Ghost<br><br>Famous last words: "Ah Bears are too big and fat to run fast"