Fishing Forum

Full Version: puddle jumper, Carters, crappie "ya right", 3-23-09, solo
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<br /> I went to Carters yesterday and trolled, chunked jigs, from 10 till dark for crappie and managed three small spots and a channel cat, no crappie,, seems me and "THAT" fish have a love hate relationship..., They where locked down tight yesterday for me at least.. emoBang Fished in water from 5' to 25' most of the day trolled a speeds from .5 to 1.2 mostly around .8 "GPS" with 1/16 jigs of all colors, bubblegum, red and green, blue and green, pearl , spike-it on some.. and a bunch of other colors,, tubes and curlytail jigs... maybee im doing something wrong??? Dont know..<br /><br /> Was a beautefull day, little windy, Found two great coves with waterfall in the back of them, Carters is a great lake wish I could catch more fish there though...lake was really high if you remember my ealyer report from there "DEC"' with me in the standing timber, Stoped by there and all those trees where under the surface of the water yesterday, man was that a suprise,,,water was in the low 60 and clear but that should chang with all the rain we have comming...<br />Puddle <br /> <br />