03-25-2009, 09:01 AM
<br /> I went to Carters yesterday and trolled, chunked jigs, from 10 till dark for crappie and managed three small spots and a channel cat, no crappie,, seems me and &quot;THAT&quot; fish have a love hate relationship..., They where locked down tight yesterday for me at least.. emoBang Fished in water from 5&#39; to 25&#39; most of the day trolled a speeds from .5 to 1.2 mostly around .8 &quot;GPS&quot; with 1/16 jigs of all colors, bubblegum, red and green, blue and green, pearl , spike-it on some.. and a bunch of other colors,, tubes and curlytail jigs... maybee im doing something wrong??? Dont know..<br /><br /> Was a beautefull day, little windy, Found two great coves with waterfall in the back of them, Carters is a great lake wish I could catch more fish there though...lake was really high if you remember my ealyer report from there &quot;DEC&quot;&#39; with me in the standing timber, Stoped by there and all those trees where under the surface of the water yesterday, man was that a suprise,,,water was in the low 60 and clear but that should chang with all the rain we have comming...<br />Puddle <br /> <br />