i used my buddys centerpin reel last year.it took me awhile to figure out how to use it properly without creating a rats nest but once i did it will out cast any reel on the market ive goy to have one any suggestions on quality and prices...
[quote lurtch]i used my buddys centerpin reel last year.it took me awhile to figure out how to use it properly without creating a rats nest but once i did it will out cast any reel on the market ive goy to have one any suggestions on quality and prices...[/quote]
First off, how can this reel OUT CAST any other. The reel doesn't cast at all, that is the rod, line and caster.
Check this page out, there is a bunch of center pin reels:
I have one more or less center pin reel in that it has no drag, you palm it and it is a Vosseler.
we use them to throw our homade bobbers then run tiny slits 6 inches apart bellow the bobber al the way down to the hook .this is a very heavy setup. you pull the line back and cast all in yhe same motion then palm the reel just before it lands to stop the spinning if you use at least a 13 foot rod this set up will go along ways.then with the long rod you can pick up the line so it runs stait to your bobber..no line drag free drift.
Makes sense. Almost Czech style.
Like I said, my Vosseler is rim control and I love it. On it however, it has three little plugs you can one to all three to control back lash. A little tension.
They are cool.
As far as the long stick, I have a 13' and a 12' and I am seriously thinking about the floss thing when there is a hatch on and allot of top water action.
If you still have the long stick, you might want to try it.
that vosseler reel suonds exacly what im looking for i still have aloy of trouble with backlash my buddy is an imigrant from bosnia and brougt the setup with him thus the chezc conection...do you happen to know a price and were to find.
These guys sell them:
I have two RC-L 3's.
The reel comes with one plug in it and two spares in the side pocket of the reel bag.
To put them in, pop the spool off and use a phillips screwdriver to remove center cap. There will be two empty holes. I like all three.
apears to be exactly what im looking for a good 2 in 1 reel is well worth the price...hell i paid 400 for a hale and never use it.