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Full Version: Passing the torch for the Willard Tourney
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He's got a point bassrods. It's easy to judge someone else running a tourney and nobody wants to run a tourney. You'd at least have time to do it if you're retired. Heck I paid for two and it's possible I may not even be able to make it to the tourney. As of now I'll be there but you've got to do what you can to make a living these days. If Lunkerhunter can't do it I'd bet its for a pretty good reason. Myself, I say if it's not going to happen, everyone should just meet and fish that day anyways. We'll give the water skiers a run for their money with the boat traffic.
No I have a big job FISHING....My time is full trying to get this fishing day for the DAV's set up...
Then quit complaining.[cool]
[quote lunkerhunter2]Then quit complaining.[cool][/quote]
thank you[:p]
the old lady and i will be there anyway, I know what a pain it can be. This bassrod fella needs to broaden his horizons and stop readind BASS, back east (Michigan) we held tourneys all the time, The permits were always a issue, along with catch and release issues. If a person didnt have a live well the scale and weight was recorded by his or her partner, Back to the honesty issue, If there was a call of truth it was up to the indivual making the accusation to give the proof. We had a fella that had 2-6 pound bass in his live well before the tourney started. We caught him and banned him and his partner for life.
Again sorry things may not work out, we will be there for the weekend any way, some of you all want to get together and do some fishing im in,
I dont know what to do with the fly reel my students wanted to donate to the tourney, they been working so hard on them, any suggestions?
We will be there as well ! Reservations for both nights! Hammer I am in need of a new fly reel!![Wink]
PM sent.[cool]
Maybe Bass Rods could use it for the DAV's that he is setting a trip up for as some kind of big fish gift, just a thought.
I also have reserved fri & sat nite at the campground T-05 I believe. I will meet, fish and bbq/drink with who-ever shows up.... count me in.....
I'll be there too. I have already reserved my campsite for both friday and saturday so I'll be there fishing, tourney or not.
So, for anybody else who's interested, lets get together and see if we can slam them anyways.
ALL right lets have some fun, PBR,S, FISHING,FOOD, We can figure out what to do with the reel, It will still read (williard bay tourney 2009) big fish tackle. com

I think our camp sight is 29 #
I will be there as well. I am curious to see who gets the reel.
I still have plenty of room left in my wiper tournament June 13.
Post some details.[cool]
is this another than the one in may let me know if so you can add to more shotgunjerry email me at
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