Fishing Forum

Full Version: ChooChooSnakeMan, Chickamauga, Bass, CFF #2 4/4/2009, Polo-dog
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Well what can I say other than it was a grand day to be on the water. Mark and I had a good time after an unusual start. First I get to his dock at the appointed time of 5:45 am. We get all my stuff loaded and Mark hits the starter and the engine turns over with no sign of starting --- after pumping up the bulb and checking everything we knew and putting the battery charger on it and more cranking it just didn't start. By then it was 6:24 and we knew that the deadline was 6:45 to be inside the no wake zone at HBSP. I had decided that it just wasn't meant for us to fish the event and told Mark that we could at least troll around up in Wolftever. He decided to try one more time and it started emoLaugh . Then it got real interesting. The last CFF event I fished was on Nickajack with Jmax and we made the infamous cut of the corner at 68 mph in the dark in 8" of water with brush piles flying by us. I have to give Jim credit, he kept his cool and got us out of it with nary a scratch and he did cause me to talk to the Lord real urgent like that morning. Well I didn't think that could be topped but this morning Mark was running on plane in Wolftever in the dark trying to watch his gps for navigation and you couldn't see past the front of the boat because of the thick fog :o . Well let me tell you I was asking the Lord to take care of us and He did. We finally got to the bridge on 58 and once thru to the other side and after some more running in circles I called Jmax. He said he was on the dock and could see our light out in Harrison Bay. We finally got to the no wake zone and I was relieved that we were able to sign up and fish. We started out fishing shallow with only one little fish caught on a grub. Next we tried a deeper roadbed with no luck. Then we moved into Wolftever Creek and fished some deeper banks. We finally managed a keeper (just barely!) out of a deep tree top. It came on a junebug finesse worm. Then it was stumps in shallower water in a slough in Harrison Bay. Another 13" fish came off a brush pile on the finesse worm. Our only other fish which was our best of the day (only 16 1/2&quotWink came off a stump in 5' of water on a junebug C'rigged lizard. I had fun and congrats to all the winners. It was nice to see everyone and meet some new members. There were some nice bags of fish weighed in. Jmax's big fish was impressive. Thanks to Mark for letting me hold down his back seat. Lastly thanks to the committee for putting the event on. It takes a lot of hard work to organize and pull off one of these and the guys did a great job.