Went to Grantsville this morning and got skunked. Lots of bites but for some reason no takers... they just played with it. Beautiful morning though and the lack of the moon showed tons of stars before sun up with coyotes howling in the hills. Lots of people fishing there and it looked as though they had the same result.
If you where fishing bait you may have been being played by the crawdad's.It doesn't take long for them buggs to start chowing on your trout bait.
Coult have been craws but sometimes the g-ville trout are quick though. When you're using a minnow they wont even bite the whole think just bite the back or front half off and run. They can be rather touchy. If you want I'll show you some real good techniques out there, just let me know when!
I have tried and tried at Grantsville and have only landed a few. One being a 4 lb rainbow a few years ago. I know there are some large browns in there I would love for someone to show me how they are caught out there.
Well lets hit it then! Just gotta catch me not chasing the pike!!
Are there better times of the year to fish there? I am game anytime. Shoot me a pm and let me know what your weekly schedule is. Maybe we can come up with a time that will work for both of us. It is sometimes hard for me as I am a single father with 4 children.
I've been to Grantsville the last two day. Caught one on Sunday and was skunked today. I fish from a boat and have tried all my tricks. I saw a 5lb brown that was caught today and about a 4lb yesterday caught from the bank.
From what I've heard around the lake is that night crawlers and night crawler marshmallow combinations have had limited success.
I did see a cormorant catch about a 11-12" rainbow and eat it. Never seen that before. It was a fight but it got it down!
Ratstar, hope to see you up there. Ive been up there 2-3 times a week since the ice has came off. I drive a 91' blue explorer.
I havent made it up as much as I'd like to cause my work schedule just killed my fishing schedule but when I do make it up there I'll keep my eyes out for ya.
The mallow/crawler is the last resort for me but it hasnt ever failed me up there. I also see alot of sucess with the carp minnows we pulled from there last fall. thparkie swears by gulp bait up there and I've seen him pull it off with it too.
Ratstar I was wondering what you mean by carp minnows. Are you talking about the minnows from the pond over by the dugway rowley exit?
No last fall when the carp minnows at grantsville were up in the shallows I went out and grabbed a bucket load to stick in my freezer, the bows and browns LOVE them out there. I've pulled bows out with as many as TEN 1-3 inch carp minnows stuck in their belly. Not even in a huge fish, just a 16 incher! I've seen the same things when people are cleaning browns.
I love that Gulp Bait.
But you have to use a #8 or #10 bait hook.
I use an egg .25-.5 ounce egg sinker with a swivel and about a 3 foot mono leader with the hook.
The trout can't feel the weight, and you can feel the bites pretty easily.
Don't be afraid of small hooks out there. Those trout are finicky, and can steal your bait really quick, so small hooks that are easily swallowed are the key.
This setup is great for hookin' n' Cookin', but they usually swallow the hook, so once you get the ones you want to eat, change techniques or you will kill a lot of fish[mad]
I also recommend the Tazmanian Devil Lures. They can be very effective as well.
Good luck out there, and please try to release the browns out there. I am not the type to lecture on eating fish, but that Res. is fished pretty heavily, and I would hate to see it become like Settlement, where the fishing sucks.
I dont ever use as small as hooks as thparkie does. But we both still catch roughly the same numbers out of that res.
I can't agree with you more on the release of the browns out there. About Settlement am I correct in believing the DWR is planning on planting willard wipers in there. I think it was something that Kent posted recently. I was also wondering about the crawdads in settlement. Where are some good spots for crawdads. I usually just go by the dam. They are plentiful there but I was wondering if there are other good spots on the lake for crawdaddies.
Kent's post was an April Fool's Joke[

I guess he got you[:p]
As for the Crawdads...... The rocks at the dam are good, but I have seen a lot of kids pulling them out by the inlet stream on the opposite side.
The DWR does however show stocking of Tiger trout in Settlement on there 2008 stocking report.
Just curious what gulp! bait your reffering to? Do you fish it like powerbait (deadsticked)? Thanks.
Yeah its Gulp bait comes in little jars like powerbait, just little ball formed, and just baitfish it like powerbait. I believe he has success with orange and yellow?? I could be wrong but I am pretty sure thats it.
I usually use green or orange and then I put about a 1/2 of a piece of white on it.
I usually just deadstick the one and use a lure on the other pole, unless they are just biting like crazy on the gulp, then I just use gulp on both poles, and throw one a little deeper than the other.
I've caught as many as 10 trout in about 2 hours out there, and I rarely get skunked with that setup.
I like that setup especially at Settlement, because the chubs usually leave the gulp bait alone. If you use worms in settlement, plan on having a bunch of chubs nibbling your line all day.
I suppose he did![:/] I did think it sounded a bit weird. How would one ever catch em' if you can't float the water.