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Full Version: My first experience in my new Fish Cat 4!
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On Saturday 4th of April, I had entered the float tube bass tournament at Castaic Lake. What an experience and will do it again.

I had acquired a Caddis Nevada through a trade. The bladder leaked and due to the damage I needed a new bladder. I could not find one, so I purchased the Fish Cat 4.

I had made several attempts to get it into the water to trick it out, make adjustments and try it out. Every time I made an attempt it started raining or the wind would pick up. I'm talking about 15-22 mph. To much for me. Finally the morning of the tournament. The weather was cold but nice, no rain and no wind. The whistle blew to get the tournament on the way at 6:30am. I spent until 7:45 getting things ready and making adjustments before I entered the water. I spent about an hour and a half in the water before I had to go to the bathroom.

The wind had picked up but I did not care about wind or anything else, I was having fun. I got back into my tube and in about an hour I caught my first bass. (Got me real excited catching my first fish in a float tube).

Then I had to go to the bathroom again. I prolonged going as long as I could, because I kept getting strikes on that plastic worm I was using. When It got to the point that I could not focus on anything but going to the bathroom I had to go.

It seemed I was not paying much attention to what I was doing. I got out of the tube when I was able to stand up. I started walking forward and my fin dug into the sandy gravel and I fell face down in to the water. All the way into the water. I got up and started to walk forward again and I fell again. After falling into the water 3 times. I learned to walk backwards and was able to get out of the water unsnap my fins and go to the rest room. Yes I do seem to learn some things the hard way. I am some what of a knuckle head.

I got my gear together and headed to my car to get dried off and put on a dry shirt. That was also the end of the tournament for me. I have a bum leg and that holds me back. I do things very slow, and so I missed 2 1/4 hrs of fishing. And it was a haul with all the geat going up the hill into the parking lot. From were I was in the water to the parking lot was a 10 minute walk for me and it was very cold.

The experience taught me a lot. Be prepared! I did have the oppertunity to inflate my tube in the living room. It is a different story for me anyway once you get into the water. I learned a few things as I walked around and noticed the kinds of fins people are wearing as well as waders. I checked out how different people tricked out there tubes.

My waders (Caddis neoprene), had kept me dry from the stomach down. No water from that point down and my socks were dry.

This brings up a question to ask some of you experienced tubers. Depends, or a Gladder Bladder?
I found that going to the restroom every 1 1/2 hours can cost me time.

I hung out until the end of the tournament. I also felt good that their were 43 who entered, and 26 of those did not catch a fish. The big fish prize was a 9 pounder.

After all the entrants came in for the awards I had another oppertunity to check out the different types of tubes and accesories the tubers used.

I had a great time helping with the BBQing of the hot dogs. Tubbers were real hungry after a 6hr day of fishing. And the athmosphere was great. "Tubbers are great people".

I think that I am addicted to tubing. Is there anything better than catching fish from a tube?

Have a good nite.[fishin]
Sounds like you covered most of the new lessons in one trip. You can walk forward with fins but it takes practice and backwards is easier most of the time. I personally hate going backwards though. If you don't want to have to come in off the water for the call of nature stop drinking fluids hours before you go. All in all if you had fun it was a good trip.[Smile]
If you don't drink anything in the morning you wont need to go to the potty all the time when you are on the water. Just take a bottle of water with ya and sip on it while you are on your boat. That does the trick for me and i usually don't need to go till i get back to the launch.

As for walking in fins, i can go forward but it don't look pretty. I get alot of weird looks. But then again what are they gonna think if you are walking backwards everywhere lol. When it comes down to it i know i'm the guy with the goofy walk thats catching all the fish!!! LMAO!
it sounds like a great day of fishing to me..

the first time I went out in a tube I had the same problem of "walking" like you did.. and I did this even though I knew better.. and I fell like three times before I turned around and walked backwards.. lol. I think that happens to more tubers than they want to admit...

Did you by chance get a picture of that first fish from a tube.. if so I know we would all like to see it..

MacFly [cool]
I wear 'water socks', which are like neoprene-like shoes with hard rubber bottoms that fit tight to your foot, over my stocking foot waders. Then I put my fins on over those. When I need to get in or out of the tube, I take off the fins and just walk in those. No tripping on the tips of the fins, no falling over backwards trying to walk backwards over rocky shorelines, and no wearing holes in the bottom of my waders.

It's especially easy to put on and take off fins in a tube like the Fish Cat 4 (which is what I have as well) since it has an open bow. The old round style tube I used to have was much harder.
I wish that I had taken a picture of the fish. They came to me to weight it (2.2lbs), then asked me if I would like to release it. I did have my camera with me. I was so excited and anxious in the moment I did not even think of my camera.[fishin]
I think tripping on a fin has happened to EVERYONE. But, kinda like the plug on a boat, a mistake you will never make again.
I can walk forward in my Force Fins as they are designed that way, but I find it much easier, that while I am already seated in my tube or toon, to take them off right there.

As far as the Mother Nature...As soon as cold air hits me, I have to go, but I am usually good for many hours after the initial.
[left]Glad you decided to learn from your mistakes and not give up on tubing. Some might have.

It won't be long before you get everything ironed out and can just go out and fish (relatively) without event, other than the fishing of course. As far as the pee thing, I just try not to drink anything before going out. Personally, by the time I gotta go, I gotta go anyway. And even when I used to have "unlimited" time to fish in my college days, I would rarely be out long enough to have to go twice.

Sounds like fun though. I wish there would be tube tourneys in my neck of the woods. I've fished tournaments from boats and love it.
[left]Oh yeah, too bad you had to take your hard knocks on tourney day. Oh well, you'll be ready next time!
What about these types of fins that allow you to walk forward?

[url ""][/url]

Anybody have any experience with this type?

MY NEXT FIN...that is when the Force fins wear out, but they just keep going!!!
I posted about then a few years ago, and looks like the price is coming down to being workable.
they use to be like 100 more didnt they.. and if I remember right didnt someone post a video of Dave Scaddin demoing one of his boats wearing those??

MacFly [cool]
oh I think we all know that feeling for sure.. so jacked up from what is going on you forget things you know you should of done or remembered.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
My own system, if you can call it a system, is to avoid the big meal or drink, and also "release spare organic matter" before leaving the house.

Also on my avoid list is coffee. It makes you go .... so tea is a better hot drink before cold weather tubing. Coffee is for the return trip. But I try to avoid full drinks at the time before going on the water.
While actually on the water, the top up technique works well.

Have a sandwich to maintain energy, or have a swig from the water bottle. Topping up keeps your energy conversion efficient, but does not disable by creating potty trip requirements.

It's a "long haul" nourishment arrangement. Similar principle to the one that the marathon runners have, but much less stringent if all you want to do is tube for a few hours.
You got a great tube!
I love my fishcat!
i have pretty loose fitting waders so I just bring a plastic container i can get in there to pee. If you have neoprenes though you are outta luck, for the bass tourney you could get some diapers I guess![Wink]

For walking, you could try getting in your tube first, then stapping on the fins?
[quote MT_Pilgrim]If you have neoprenes though you are outta luck, for the bass tourney you could get some diapers [/quote]

Just like that crazy Astronaut Chick that went crazy Hot steamy depends![sly]