04-09-2009, 09:00 AM
Got off work alittle early today and decided to hit up Basscat to do alittle prefishing for the Ratman&#39;s tourny Friday...<br /><br />Put in about 4:00 and took off out into the CHICKAMAUGA SEA.... in search of some new water... Ran up stream to some spots i thought might hold some fish.... Well at first didnt do any good then all of a sudden.....<br /><br />BAM got the first hit of the afternoon.... Got her about 5 ft from the boat she jumped.... looked to be in the 4 lb range.....then she dove down under the boat and SNNNAAAPPP!!!!emoBang emoBooHoo<br /><br />WEAK LINE needed to retie and didnt....(Lessoned Learned)<br /><br /><br />Kept on doing what i was doing and caught several short fish and a couple keepers that went 2lbs<br /><br />Moved to another spot and caught a LM that measured 15 inches on the nose.... weighed her and she was 2.3<br />REALLY FAT BELLY ON HER!!! She was about to pop....<br /><br />She had probably 10 shad in her throat and mouth that came out in the boat and the net.... see pictures below<br /><br />Well release her and kept on fishing...<br /><br />WAM!!!! fish on.... this one is another good one i told Chad Grab the net for me....<br /><br />Got her to the boat and she weighed in at 4.3 lbs <br /><br />Moved on to anther spot with no luck it got dark on us so we headed to McD&#39;s for some burgers and come on home...<br /><br />All in all not a bad trip for about 4 hours or so... <br /><br />best 5 that was (BOATED) probably went 12 1/2 lbs<br /><br />Fish were caught on plastics...traps....and spinnerbaits<br /><br />Looking forward to the Ratmans Tourny this Friday....