04-10-2009, 09:00 AM
<br /> Alvin and I played hookie today to chase some spots. Water temp was a dismal 56-56.5 today. Last year at this time we were fishing topwater, go figure. We fished from 9 to 12:30 and boated 23 spots, 1 meanmouth and a 3.75 lb largemouth. Not too bad considering the crazy weather, double digit winds, no current and chilly water temps. Fish were caught on tubes and 1/4 oz blades for the most part. <br /> <br /> Hit Kevin Brown&#39;s Burgers for lunch and man did we eat too much. <br /> <br /> After lunch we fished the Chick for a few hours. Probably one of the most furtrating trips I have been on in a while. We were fishing soft platics and had 8 confirmed hits, stuck 4 of them, had 2 of them at the boat but never touched a fish. Unreal. The 10&#43; MPH wind did not help any either. <br /> <br /> All in all today sure beat being at work.