04-11-2009, 09:00 AM
Polo called me around noon and asked if I could go crappie fishing with him later on in the afternoon. When have you known me to turn down an invitation like that? emoBig Polo is a crappie catching machine. We fished 2 hours before the approaching storms ran us off the lake. We boated 70 crappie, mostly smaller fish, but had a few keepers. We fished near Polo's house in Wolftever creek so that we would be close to home before the storms hit. We caught 50 fish under the first dock before deciding to fish other areas. I also caught 1 yellow bass. Only caught one bluegill. Panfish assassins and bg shads in various colors. Polo also fished with a crappie stinger for a while and caught several fish on it. No pics, just a fish tale. emoBig emoGeezer