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Just trying to figure out if there is any areas around Lansing that are good places for Bass. I'm getting station in Lansing in July and will want to catch some fish before the weather turns south. Any help would be great.
the grand river runs right thruogh lansing and has alot of smallmouth..there also at least a dozzen lakes close to lansing that have bass..
Thanks I will have to look into fishing the river. A little different than what I'm used to but I will have to make it work.
theres also many lakes that are good bass lakes within a 25 mile radious,,long lake crooked lake are two that come to mind..ther are more..
Thanks again! I hope that I will be able to get some good fishing in up there before the weather starts to get bad.
as long as your going to be in michigan you should try the salmon fishing it starts in sept..they usually run through late oct.there alot of fun and theres alway alot in the rivers..they fight alot better than bass..
mind your pumpkins on this one,

I will make the suggestion, Sleepy Hollow State park, north out of lansing on I-127 then east on Price Rd, then north one shepperdsville rd and turn right in to the park.

the lake is "Lake Ovid"

Sleepy Hollow State Park is a state park located near Laingsburg, Michigan. Located at 7835 East Price Road, the park contains many miles of hiking, biking, and horse trails as well as a medium-sized man-made lake known as Lake Ovid. A dam located in the northwest corner of the lake flooded the area which created the relatively shallow body of water. Several islands of varying size provide sanctuary for a variety of marine bird species including Canadian Geese, Swans, Blue Heron and others.

The Michigan Department of Natural Resources provides the following summary of the park's offerings:
"Sleepy Hollow State Park, located in Clinton County 20 minutes north of Lansing, contains more than 2600 acre and is situated on Price Road off from US-27 near St. Johns and Laingsburg. A river winds its way through the woods and fields of the park, and Lake Ovid is nestled in the middle of it all. Lake Ovid, covering 410 acre, was developed by damming the Little Maple River. The park offers year-round opportunity for recreation".

Several islands of varying size provide sanctuary for a variety of marine bird species including Canadian Geese, Swans, Blue Heron and others. Lake Ovid covers around 410 acre and provides habitat for Smallmouth Bass, Largemouth Bass, Rock Bass, Bluegill, Catfish, Muskellunge, Northern Pike and other freshwater species.

Over 228 different animal species can be found in Sleepy Hollow State Park, from the Blue Jay to the Eastern Bluebird. The rarely recorded Bonaparte's Gull or Bald Eagle also have been sighted.

The park provides landing access for small boats on the west side of Lake Ovid and boaters are limited to no-wake throughout the waterways. Canoes and pontoon boats are available to rent from the park upon request.

[url ""]Full Article[/url]
Thanks looks like a good place that I will have to check out. Do areas like this get very crowded during the summer months. I know here in Utah it can get bad and expect the same since the nice weather only lasts a few months.
Other opportunities that will be available are fishing Hudson lake for Muskey and Channel cats , Lansing area rivers have walleye , cats , and in the fall Steelhead and Salmon .
some times yes, forth of july and labor day weekends primarily being the highest used weekends. and not so much labor day weekends any more.

if you call ahead they can tell you the days that will be the bussiest and what to expect.