Did a little Park casting. This is a McFarland Parabolic 8' 5 weight with Sharkskin, GPX line. He was casting 70 to 80 feet with ease.
![[Image: IMG_0950.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f17/FlyGoddess/Glass%20Rods/IMG_0950.jpg)
Wow that rod is showing some big action. Looks like he's ready to do a haul.[/#008000]
MacFly [cool]
its been along time since ive seen a noddle rod in action..impresive!
Most shots are while fish is on, but no one sees how they cast.
![[Image: bendo5.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f17/FlyGoddess/Daniels%202008/bendo5.jpg)
great shots sis.. wondering if Baxster is being alert or anticipating jumping in to get that fish.. :-)
BOTH![cool] Had to get a heavy duty net to support the fish and B-Dog.
and Im betting the fish was much bigger than him.. LOL..
MacFly [cool]
I ain't gonna lie...on several occasions yes.
LOL..... thats what I thought.. but then again he is a toughie..:-)
the hardest part is learning how to get a good hook set..you drop the rod down then flip it upso that the action of the rod sets the hook..sounds easy till you try it..the fight is still awsome..
I just pull the line with rod tip in water, then lift the rod tip. That sets the hook.
that would probbly work better..i was tought to let the whip of the rod to set the hook..didnt know anything diferent..
I missed allot of fish doing that. Too soft to set the hook.
now i got to dig the glass rod out of storage blow the dust of and try it again..havnt used it in ten years..kind of sounds like fun...you ever fish steelhead with em the fight is awsome.
Haven't fished for Steelhead at all, but looking to change that. Have caught CARP on mine though, Tube Dude can vouch for that one[

Just remember SLOW!!!!!![laugh]
we used noddle rods for steelhead around here alot about ten years back..the main reoson is that could run lite line droppers in the clear watter ussually 4 and 5 pound test...the flex of the rod allowed us to do this without breaking of on big fish..and thats the whole story..
Absolutely....that is how I am able to fish #32's [

that kind of funny you would say that...we used to use a freshwatter shrimp imitation on a small hook and 2 pound dropper..i dont know the exact size of the hook only that it was small..we were killing the steelies that spring and nobody could figure out how...we hold that secret to this day..
FG wrote:
I just pull the line with rod tip in water, then lift the rod tip. That sets the hook.
for those in the learning phase:
That is what I do in still water. Then if I am not sure of a good hook set : with some bend in the rod but not a lot I follow up with quickly pump the line back and forth with the line hand a couple of more times using relatively long strokes. You want some bend but not a lot of bend so that you have protection in the rod flexibility in case the fish suddenly runs during your motion.
In fast river water the lifting of the rod tip is generally enough to take care of business. Some times stripping of line at the same time is necessary when there is a lot of slack in the line. Keeping the index finger of the rod hand over the line helps with your reaction time.