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[center]Tourest Traps,
gotta love them. [Smile]

We all have stopped at tourest traps at one time in our lives, Today they do seem to be harder to find as urban sprawl swallows them up and they disapear in to obscuety behind bill boards and banners and flashing marques...

hear is your chance to show off your photo albums. America has had some of the greatest tourest traps emaginable, sure was a great way and excuse to get out of the car on them long road trips.

this is not a contest, but the only rule is you have had to have been there...

to start off, here is one, it was loads of fun, tho we didnt have as much fun as the guys in this photo.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=47005]

When I was there the whole camp was undergoing escavation. they were looking for hundreds of pounds of black powder that was suposedly burried there during the french, american and indian war when the comander surrendered the fort but did not want the powder to fall in to enemy hands.

[center]to this day, I dont know if they found it, and if they did, was it burried in side the fortress or outside the encampment. for the officer in charge, his diary was not forthcomming

[center]there was some concern that if it were stumbled on to by accident that it could go off with surprizing results. Black Powder has no expiering shelf life.