Does anyone have any information on Halverson Lake here in SW Idaho? I've lived in Nampa for 12 years and NEVER heard of it - how could that be?!?!?!?!
Anyway, if anyone knows how to get there other than upstream from Celebration Park, please let me know. I have two little boys that would like to catch some fish but I don't want to kill them over getting there. I'm hoping to find an easier way to get in.
Any and all information is appreciated! Thanks!
I have been there several times, but mostly back when you could still drive to it. I have been back once or twice since. It is one of those places that is east of celebration park. To be more specific than that is pretty difficult. The best things I could do would be to show you, or to have you look it up on google earth. The co-ordinates below should put you roughly in the middle of the lake.
Good luck. It can be a lot of fun if you hit it right.
Lat: 43°17'31.14"N
Long: 116°29'49.86"W
Thanks a bunch for the info. Yeah, I looked at Google Earth and saw it there but wondered if you could get to it other than walking upstream of Celebration Park. There's Halverson Rd. but I wondered if it was a private access point or something like that. I don't mind walking in myself but my little boys might not be so "happy" to do it. I will end up packing my youngest, all gear, lunch, etc., you get the point.
I might make a quick jaunt out there and see how it is. Having never been there before, I don't know what to expect or use for bait. Any advise would be appreciated.
Just standard Bluegill stuff, I guess. I have heard that there are Bass in there, but I have never caught any.
Well, I made the trek in yesterday morning. The wind was blowing like crazy so top fishing for bluegill was less than desirable. Other anglers were catching some on the cliff side of the lake but not sure what was used. I ended up landing two small bass on a rapala. All in all it was a fun day. The kids enjoyed the lizards running around and the waterfall that feeds the lake was neat too.
![[Image: P1010510_1.JPG]](
I used to fish Halverson back in the 70's. At that time you could drive down Can-Ada Rd thru a farm and park at the end of the road. It put you west of the lake and you could hike down about a mile or so. I don't know if the access point thru the farm is still available. I use to take my raft down and float it and catch bass up to 4 lbs and a bunch of bluegill. Glad to see you made it in.
I've fished Halverson several times, but not in about 15 years. I know of three ways in.
One is the one that Bassnbob mentioned, following CanAda Road through somebody's farm then parking and walking.
The second was a road east of there. I only went that way once, but I followed a steep hill down the side of the canyon. Not too wild about that one.
The third was going by Celebration Park, then parking near the gate and either walking in or riding my mountain bike, although some sections of sand made it difficult to ride.
As for the fishing, it was either great or horrible. I either left with a bunch of Bluegill or nothing at all. But even a horrible day beats a good day at work. [

A little to add to that. The first two you mentioned are both illegal now as they have been closed.
I figured the one off of Can-Ada was probably closed by now. Once I got a boat in the early 80's, my trips down there went by the wayside. Found bigger fish to catch. [laugh]
Anyone know the fishing regulations there? Can people keep the bass? I have been looking for more trophy bass waters. I appreciate any feed back
I'm pretty sure they're standard rules, 12" inches min.
That said, most of that water is agricultural runoff. I love to get out there in the spring and fall, but wouldn't eat anything I caught there.
I've also never caught any really good sized bass. I think 12" is about as big as I've ever had. Better bass fishermen may do better.