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Got my Pictures back from our pig hunt that we went on in CastleDale, really fun hunt would recommend this hunt to everyone! it was great!! My four brothers and my cousin and myself all had our pigs in 3 hours, all shot with various guns and mine by my bow at 10yards! what a RUSH...
Nice load of bacon you got there congrats!![Wink]
Looks like a great time was had by all! Should put a bunch of tasty meat in the freezer!
Looks like fun. What do they charge to shoot a pig?
Yea we all got tons of meat from them oinkers, we all got an average of 140lbs each from them except my big brother who only got 128lbs cause of all the holes in his by using his new .45 caliber rifle he got and his pig being the diehard of all.
Depending on the size of the hog is how they price them but $250 is what we payed and that includes fully guided and the guide doing all the gutting and hauling away for you! and they have a butcher in town that only charges 39cents a lb which is real cheap! but there website is
Hey! Thats me! (The guy in the middle with the SKS)
I was wondering when one of you guys were going to post up some pictures, all I have are some crappy cell-cam pic's.
By the way, how did you get your hunt for $250? [:/]
Mine was $350 and I even let you shoot before me. Did you sweet talk that lady while we were off loading up the hogs?[Wink]
Hey Steve your not suppose to tell about me and the girl alone while you guys retrieving all those hogs[shocked] No I forgot to mention the $100 up front to reserve the hunt[:/]
Get in touch with me about Atving sometime. laterz
[cool]Very nice. Looks like really good eaters. How many acres do they hunt on down there?
I believe its 6000 acres if I'm not mistaken and they have two different areas to hunt in the Castle Dale area plus they have some kind goats to hunt too, can't remember what they are though but its a great hunt thats for sure!
I've been wanting to go do that hunt, just waiting for my new custom rifle to show up. Cook some of that up and let us know how it tastes. Really, I would like to know if it tastes like regular pork

The meat is just a little leaner than your normal over the counter pork! the chops are really yummy the hams are yummy too! the bacon is alot different but still good