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Full Version: New Penn International(R) 50VSW Two Speed Lever Dr
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Recieved this email today and thought it may be of intrest:<br><br>New Penn International® 50VSW Two Speed Lever Drag Big Game Reel Now Available!<br><br>Saltwater gamefish beware -- Penn has unveiled a new addition to its powerful International® V Series of two speed lever drag reels. The new International® 50VSW is the most advanced International® reel ever, combining a new look and feel with improved fish-fighting performance. Go here to view product<br><br&gt;-- For 50 to 80-lb. class fishing, perfect when trolling, live baiting or chunking for large sharks, billfish, bigeye or yellowfin tuna<br><br>-- Features Penn's exclusive Bio-Drive™ Retrieve System, combining an ergonomic design, one-touch shifting, powerful double-disc HT100™ drag and newly designed handle for a reel that cranks easier, even under the pressure of heavy fish<br><br>-- Smooth Rotary-Tuned™ lever drag features an expanded fish-fighting zone and new "strip drag" for dropping back live baits or chunking<br><br>-- Contoured one-piece machined aluminum frame, forged and machined spool and side plates, all anodized with a gleaming gold finish<br><br>-- Four stainless steel ball bearings and machined stainless steel main gears, pinion gears and drag cams for powerful performance in tough marine environment<br><br>-- International® 50VSW: 850 yds./50-lb. mono, 68 oz., 3.1-1 high gear ratio, 1.3-1 low gear ratio<br><br>


G'day Testing and thanks for the low down on these Penn's. <br><br>Sounds like your a fan for one reason or another. <br><br>On face value I like the look of them and the data. Also like the more rounded shape too... Would really like to get my hands on one, load it with 24 kg line, then head back to Western Samoa and run it on some Marlin their. <br><br>I noted one website that was selling them for $699 USD. Any other sites around the place who have got them up for sale yet? <br><br>Also, anyone used one because I would like to hear how they got on?<br><br>Having used Okuma's for light game while away recently, I am also keen to give their 2 speed 50's a run as well. Not sure what their pricing out at either around the place. <br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Moderator Lures/Baits Forum<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>