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So, im soo stoked to finally be able to go fishing. Bought my new float tube and had a tube-trickin party with tubedude last august. But apparently the fishing gods decided to frown down upon me and less than a week after it was all tricked out and ready to go my wife got put on bed rest being pregnant... well, end of my fishing for the year. Was extremely "fun" comin home every day and seeing all my brand new shiny gear and knowing that it will have to stay shiny for awhile now. But now 8 months later and a healthy 5 month old baby boy, its about time to head back out and refuel my addiction to fishing, just in a different vessel this time. im lookin forward to meetin some of you and to go slay some kitties or some eyes with tubedude and tubebabe. attached are pics of the new little fisherman [Wink]
Cute little guy, congrats to both of you. I think this will be a good year for you with all of the lakes beginning to fill.
Congratulations! Good lookin' kid! Based on my experience, it won't be long before he's outfishing you!
Thats for sure that he will be out-fishing me soon. I ask him if he wants to go fishing with daddy and grandpa and he just gives me the biggest grin and starts jib-jabberin. so while im waiting for it to warm up a bit and to save up some money for some waders, im gonna try my hand at lure making. anyone have any good lure paint that doesnt fade or wear very quickly?
[cool]Congratulations. Cute kid. Must get it from the other side of the family.

Let me know when you are ready for a rematch on those Utah Lake kitties.
[:p] He must have cause i am one goofy lookin dude.. Im up for a rematch on some kitties. just gotta find a day to go. work usually gets in my way most of the time, workin 6;10 hour shifts a week does that.
But once things calm down i will work mon-thurs. so if you are up for a friday we can go.
[cool][#0000ff]Fridays are usually good for me. Not because I work for the state but because I am in a state of retirement.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Since the 4 day work week went into effect for state workers Fridays are like Saturdays on many waters.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Give me a shout when you can see a hole in your schedule and we will get something going.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]PS...I know you are a proud papa, but it just MAY be a bit early to get junior a float tube. But this one might work in a year or two.[/#0000ff]
[inline "BABY TUBE.jpg"]
All i need to know is when [Wink] work should hopefully slow down a bit here soon so i will be able to go. usually when i have a friday off i spend the day with my son, but i think one friday here and there with the babysitter and me fishing wouldnt be too out of the question. i just need to get some waders and boots soon. i dont really need them, but my fins are too loose without anything a bit bulky to give some resistance.
Would love to either to after some kitties at utah lake or maybe go hit up some perch or eyes somewhere.
Thats a wicked nice tube, give him a couple years and he will be sportin that tube while holding his limit while daddy obivously is the one with the camera cause he didnt catch any [:p]