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Full Version: A little Northern Trouting
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Did the Idaho Falls Fly Tying Expo this weekend, but that ended Saturday and I was itching to go fishing. The rivers were all blown, so we headed for a couple of stillwater places.
Weather was fantastic, as was the fishing. NYMPHS were the ticket.

[Image: IMG_0090.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0988.jpg]

Monday on our way home:

[Image: IMG_0129.jpg]

[Image: IMG_1010.jpg]

[Image: IMG_1011.jpg]

All were returned for another day

[Image: IMG_1018.jpg]
nice nice nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!![cool]
take me with you ...........[fishin]
Nice fish. I was thinking of heading down that way, but the old toon has a leak and I ended up doing yard work. [frown] Maybe another time. Love the Baseball hat! [fishin]
Hey goddess what toon are you useing in the pictures? I havent seen you on that one before?
That is the Navigator II

[Image: IMG_0080.jpg]

A 9' pontube with a zipper opening in the back for a motor, plus it has built in Oar holders.

This is my boat for trips in my Suzuki because it folds up so small and no frame.
Beautiful fish! Down here, we don't have "real" trout, except for some hard-to-find fish in tiny water where an 8-incher is considered big.

Those are REAL trout.
O I C, you got so many i cant keep track lol. Nice boat though.
That is funny....true, but funny.
not too many, just the Echo, the H3 Freestyle, The Navigator II and now an Outlaw X5.
Hummm and outlaw X5 im jealous, that my dream boat [mad]
Thanks man. The only thing better is the Avenger, but the Outlaw has been my dream, dreams do come true![angelic]