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Full Version: USA Bassin results 4-19-09 Lake Lilly
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Jamie, Bill, and I would like to thank all those who participated and our sponsors for a great start to our tournament trail. We had 15 boats and paid back 114% in prizes and cash. Teams that placed 1-3 took home cash, while the 1st place team took home cash and a rod from CastAway. Teams that placed in the 4-9th spots took home prizes from from a variety of our sponsors. Lunker took home cash and the The Optimum Baits Lunker Prize Pack. All participants had the opportunity to get some free jigs from Andy's jigs prior to the tournament and they were well used. Locally you can find his jigs at Newtown bait and Tackle.
Results and prizes
1st Ed and Jerry 5 fish and 15.76lbs Cash and CastAway Rod - [url ""][/url]
2nd E.J. and Sean 5 fish and 10.76lbs Cash
3rd Pat and Gary 5 fish and 9.6lbs Cash
4th Bill and Mike 3 fish and 9.28lbs Newtown Bait and Tackle [url ""][/url]
5th Jamie and Bill 5 fish and 8.98lbs Andy's Jigs and Bioedge [url ""][/url]
6th Nick and Anthony 5 fish and 8.3lbs Efish 911 (Cabin Creek) BoatUS Angler [url ""][/url] and [url ""][/url]
7th Paul and Garrett 5 fish and 7.6lbs Case sample and Northwoods [url ""][/url] and [url ""][/url]
8th Dave and Jay 5 fish and 7.06lbs Put a Sock On It [url ""][/url]
9th Scott and Patty 2 fish and 6.48lbs Grizzbaits [url ""][/url]
Lunker 5.84lb Small Mouth and her twin sister (see picture below) to Ed and Jerry Cash and the Optimum Baits [url ""][/url] lunker prize pack.
Ed and Jerry with their lunker 5.84 and her twin.
[Image: EdandJerry584smallytwin.jpg]
Scott and Patty with their lunker - 5.48
[Image: ScottandPatty548largy.jpg]
Pat and his lunker - 4.88
[Image: Pat488largy.jpg]
Thanks for the post. Some nice fish out of Lilly. Keep us informed on the weekly results of the club.
thanks for the report luck,look forward to more reports