My daughter is interested in dinosaur bones after learning about them in school. I think I planted the seed when we would look for dead animals at my property and we would put the bones back together as much as we could to look like an animal.
Anyways, growing up in Utah I know that there are trilobites (sp?) which can be commonly found as well as geodes (sp?). Is there a place I can take my daughter to find any kind of fossil? I'm not looking for the t-rex, just a place to spend time with my daughter and get away from everything.
Please send me a pm or reply to this post.
you can kill two birds with one stone here.... logan river canyon. the college kids are always digging around the hills when i fish it. and they usually find the little snail fossils in the rocks. im not sure if you need a permit or anything, or if it is even the most productive area in the state. wanna take a trip and try her luck for a really decent find? try Craig CO, right along the UT border. hope this helps just a little.
[cool][#0000ff]Some of the best trilobite fossils in the world can be dug on a claim near Delta. Well worth the daily fee for some good specimens...with a virtual guarantee of finding some.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][url ""][/url][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]And, some of the best geode hunting in the country out at the Dugway geode beds. Lots of public collecting area but you can't dig on posted claims. [/#0000ff][#0000ff][/#0000ff]
[url ""][/url]
[#0000ff]If you want to look somewhere closer, with at least a chance of finding fossilized sea shells, there are some ridges in the hills on the other side of Cedar Fort that have some grey shale outcroppings with lotsof shells in them. My kids used to love to go there for shooting and for fossil collecting.[/#0000ff]
Thanks Pat. I'm definitely going to check that out.
For a fee you can dig some very nice fossils at Fossil Butte Monument, just outside of Kemmerrer, WY. Nearby fishing is available a Viva Naughton Reservoir. I've also found some really nice fossils along the shorelines at Flaming Gorge (2 -3" fish, plant leaves, and shells). You may have to look hard to find them at the Gorge, but they are there, mostly around the Current Creek Area.
Fossil hunting AND fishing? Nice! Thanks for the info.