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opening day of trout season this saturday..anybody going out and if so were..the ritual doest seem as big as it did when i was a kid..
I have already posted where I am going, and ya I will be some where on that 3 mile strech of river... [cool] and I wont be alone,

there is always room for one more, Your welcome to come. [cool] We will be sitting on the dry side of the river.[:p]
I'll be pulling in a couple brookies from the stream across the road for dinner but I just might be heading to pentwater for a cast or two near the bridge in the A.M..
i actualy fish the pentwater up towards were it begins ..theres alot of trout up there and some nice brookies too..somebodys been taking good care of that stream..i started early and slayed the steelys after work limited out in an hour..
im not that observant..tell me were and ill try..
Sounds like a great way to end the workday [cool] .
to bad i can only afford to do it two days a week..we got about two weeks left on our run thats 4 more trips..then ill have to come viset you on the ausable..
I was on my secreat spot on the huron river in proud lake recreation area with a couple of my fishing buds.

here is a cople pics to show you what we look like.

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trout were some what slow, I managed one, had several bites.

the floor show was spactacular... several guys took the polar bare plung with all thier clothes on.[:p] Wished I had a vidio to record it for you and americas funiest home vids... LOL what a hoot....

mother nature put on a spactacluar show as well, fireworks in the norhern skys came in the form of what could best be discribed as heat lightning.

I number of sizeable bull frogs came hopping through our camp.

This year there was pleanty of parking at proud lake, extra parking lots were opened for the event.
[center][url ""][Image: DSCN1099.JPG][/url]
[center]this is what you get after you dump your corn in a trout river...
[center]they are stacked in the river by the hundreds, [crazy]
you do know its there time to spawn..rabbit river fills up with them to..
these carp acturaly came down river.

I do know they go in every direction looking for shallow waters to spawn in.
im sure the corn didnt help anything..but you will have an abundance of carp in the river this time of the year..have had to deal with them myself many times..
[left]I went back again today, temps turning south, today I decided I wanted to use a cane pole.. I did tie in to one about 20 inches, got a good look at him for I lost him.. LOL.. dont let any one kid you, trout fishing with a cane pole aint as easy as it looks...
[left]I was usin a 20 footer, manufactured type not grown, havent seen a grown one since my grampa's days. he used to have his 20 footers hanging a side of his fishing cottage.
[left]I wasnt sure that the cane pole would sencitive enuff to feal those light tapps of a trout, My wories were all gone when I caught me one of them funky river perch.
[center][url ""][Image: DSCN1100.JPG][/url]
Wow , I can't wait to hook into a decent carp to play with [cool] .
I haven't hooked into a decent brown as of yet but , did I see a dandy hanging on the wall over at Tom's(bassass) buddys house , couldn't belive my eyes .
I'de tell you where he cought it at but he mentioned a fate worse than stripped gears in my reels if I revealed the secret spot , LOL !