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Full Version: Questions on Sharks...
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[cool] I posted these questions on the saltwater message board but someone suggested I try in here. Me and my husband do mostly saltwater fishing. The past three weekends we have been doing surf fishing at Mcfaddin Beach in Sabine Pass. The questions I have are does anyone know what the "perfect" conditions are for catching sharks. Two weekend's ago we did great. Caught 2 4' blacktip. The next weekend nothing and last weekend we went to meacom's pier and I caught a 4 1/2' bull shark. And then Sunday caught a 5' sand shark. We thought it would be great conditions last weekend because there was almost no wind and the water was green. but the only bite we got was that one I caught. And sometimes they bite on cut mullet and sometimes they bite on pogie. Any input on shark fishing or saltwater fishing in general would be greatly appreciated. Would love to hear how fishing is going in your neck of the woods also!

