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Full Version: Turkey "B" hunt success
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I am still loving the turkey hunt this year. I worked hard and was rewarded with a perfect hunt. I had wached these birds for 3 days/nights straight and patterned them perfectly. I was able to arrow th largest bird in the group at 20 yards and was taking pictures at 7:00 A.M. We have taken several birds over the years but nothing compared taking it with a bow. I am still feeling the rush. Sorry for the picture size...

Awesome job man.. Im looking foward to my first turkey hunt this year.. Im thinking about taking one with a bow! Can i ask what kind of broadhead where you using?
I hit him with a G5 Montec 100. Look at the 2nd pic it razored 1/2 his wing and blew through him. He went about 10 more yards and was done. Awesome broadhead. I shot it the night before to ckeck the flight, didn't move anything and was still grouping 2-3 inches at 50 yds. They are awesome.
Very nice congratts on your success!![Smile]
Thank you i just wasn't sure I shoot spitfires but wanted to use something different for a bird.. Thanks again!
Nice Bird[cool]
Good job!!
Thanks for sharing the story and pics!!
Cool I went out but couldn't get close to anything could hear them gobble but that was it. Congrads[Wink]
Very Nice bird my friend! good on ya!