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Full Version: Saturday @ Starvation, Blame It On The Rain!!! Best walleye yet!!!
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Just got back from Starvation and Had a heck of a good day. Started out fishing about 10 AM and the wind was blowing pretty hard. started in the channel and I had two fish on and they were BIG but came unhooked. Fished for a while longer to avenge my lost fish but not another bite for about an hour. Then I went off a point I had a bite right off the bat while fishing the main lake. It was not a walleye but a pretty descent smallie. That was a fun way to start the day off. After the bass excitement was over I had no hits for a while. Moved back into the inlet as the storm really started blowing in hard. That was a good move. I caught small male walleye that was probably 14 in and let the little boy go grow up. Next fish was a very nice female that went about 23 in. and about 3 1/2 -4 lbs. I also let her go to finish her spawning out. Wow" that was a good fish I thought to myself and continued to fish." Just after that I saw some people coming to fish the inlet. They saw me catch another smaller male also about 14" and decided to invade the small area that I was fishing, so now I am fishing with 4 lines in my way of making an effective cast for a good presentation. I decided to go to town and get some lunch. That also was a good move cause the rain started falling seconds after I got my truck started.

After some nourishment I decided to go back to my spot knowing those people were gone now(I saw them leave while I was eating at the gas station). As I was approaching the campgrounds I noticed a small toyota that was stuck in a big old mud hole. Hoping for some good karma I went over to see if they needed a little tug. Got them out just fine and went back to my fishing hole and newly rain soaked shore. Ahhh..I had the place back to myself. Only a few casts later and WHACK she hit me she hit my jig right off the bottom. After a head shake or two she started stripping line from the spool and made a powerful run. I knew it was big. I finally got a good look at her and just about screamed out loud like a little girl. Holding in my excitement she made another strong drag screaming run. I grabbed the net and got her into my possession. WHOLY !#*&$ I yelled out loud. She was a DANDY!!. I have successfully landed a spring walleye over 5 lbs. I did not have a tape measure or a scale but I think this fish weighed about 7-8 lbs and went over 26 inches. I was now wishing that I had some company their to take a good picture but I was all alone with the biggest walleye I have ever caught. In my mind I had a wall hanger fish but as she was my trophy and I decided to take some pics as good as I could and I LET HER GO BACK!! It was a hard decision to make but I cant change my mind now. Hopefully I will gain some more positive karma from catch n releasing all my fish today. The storm had blown back in and I caught one more little male. I left due to heavy wind and stinging rain. As I think back on it I was fishing slower than usual and with lots of confidence I was being a lot more patient than I have been when getting snagged and less jigs lost. Patience pays in many ways.

Here are the pics of the day [fishon]
Very nice!

One of these days I'll actually get out there fishing.
what a hog!good job!! thanxs for the pics
Nice catching
Talk about a nice fish! Great job. Nice lookin' pups as well![Wink]
thanks man it was long awaited, hows your pup doing?
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#000000]That's a great story. Always glad to hear a success story. It certainly has been walleye weather with the stiff breezes. Your dogs look like they're figgerin a way to get at dem birds. BTW, no fair making the fish bigger by not making the pictures smaller. You should check out Tubedude's directions for resizing pics in the sticky at the top of the page. Open the help desk link, then Pictures. It's real easy once you learn how. Nice fish, especially without the help of a boat?[/#000000][/font] -------------[signature]
Very nice fish,and they look like the fish are in real good shape.Thanks for the update will be heading out that way myself soon.[fishin]
????????? no fair ?????????

?????????????????making my fish bigger by not resizing the pics????????[shocked]

I dont think the pics did the fish justice[Tongue] AND..... I took as good a picture as I could as fast as I could so I could get her back in the water. If I had kept the fish you would see some better pics.

I released the biggest walleye I have ever caught and I have been fishing for them for 6 years.

I think someone else resized the pics already, but I am not sure.......And your right I should learn how to resize but I did not know they were even unreasonably large. I also dont know how to resize.[Wink]

BTW were you asking if I was on a boat? NO I will be on a boat as much as possible very soon though.

thanks for helpin!!!
Very nice fish. Congrats on having the will power to let her swim.
Way to go FOD awesome job of catch and photo and release. That is a good job with taking pictures of a fish that size with just one hand.
I think what Mister C was taking about was the method of resizing picture that TD had up in the sticky post. It is still there but the two categories have been combined into one. Click on the Archives & Help Desk/Utah board guidelines sticky above. Then click on Help Desk and last click on Q & A, there is a question in there on how to resize pictures that should help.
nice fish FOD! your starvation posts have been great other than making me jealous. one day i'll make it up there.
Congrats on th eyes. It's a real heart pounder to get one pushing the 30 inch mark.
Kudus on letting her go [cool] It gets easier to release big fish like that after catching a few.
We have two on the wall. One 31.7 and 35..25 inches. Both replicas.
It gives you (us) a good feeling knowing that fish is still swimming.
Again.....great job [Smile]
[#008000]Great photos ! Looks like you had a blast out there with a couple of good friends. Great looking dogs ![/#008000]
[#008000]Nothing like fishing with your pups to keep you company. Did they get a chance to catch anything ? [/#008000]
My dogs are spoiled. Including the places that I work, they get to run around and catch things all the time. When I am fishing it is a great training session for them. They know if I am happy with their obedience then fun will follow. I have never seen such intense dogs. Sometimes I am not the one who spots the birds first, they fixate on fliers then look at me to see if its a go. Their is nothing funnier than watching those dogs get shaking with excitement over seeing wildlife no matter what it is. They are always fishing with me and they behave better than most peoples kids. Might be because you cant put a shock collar on a kid. I dont even need shock the dogs though, It has a tone beeper on the receiver and that is all I need. If they hear the beeping noise then they stop dead in their tracks and respond to my command. The park ranger said I dont even need to have them on a leash as long as they have those collars on.

Thanks everybody for the dog compliments they are flattered.[laugh][cool]
Havent heard from you for a while, you need to get your butt out there and do some fishing. Although night fishing has not produced for me yet I will be doing it more during the summer.[fishon]
Now I need to get one in the 30"+ range. It will be my new goal. I just hope it doest take another 6 years(it might). If keep fishing this much maybe I will be a good competitor for you on some of the local tournaments. I wish the tournament was this last saturday with the bass and all the walleye I caught I might have taken home some money. I think the spawn is almost over and great main lake fishing is just around the corner. [fishon]
I would have thought the spawn would have been done by now. Were the males leaking? Did the female you let go have eggs and if so was she loosing them? I've not fished starvation much but you had a lot of action from the shore. Wish I was there, looked like a blast!
Nice fish. What a relief that once you made a tactical retreat the combat folks[crazy] left. Harder and harder to find solitude or even not cross lines fishing in this state. Glad to see your dogs go with you. I take my 2 with me 90% of the time and also use the shock collars. Mine vibrates but that is all I need to remind them- they probable don't get shocked once a year. I like fishing by myself but it does make it hard to take pictures of fish- I pretty much stopped trying. Shoot me a pm if your ever looking for a small stream with big trout without the risk of doing combat. Dogs and I will probable make our first of many outing there this year on Wednesday.
Wow sounds like a great day besides with the storm. that is a cool looking storm to!