04-26-2009, 01:28 AM
Just got back from Starvation and Had a heck of a good day. Started out fishing about 10 AM and the wind was blowing pretty hard. started in the channel and I had two fish on and they were BIG but came unhooked. Fished for a while longer to avenge my lost fish but not another bite for about an hour. Then I went off a point I had a bite right off the bat while fishing the main lake. It was not a walleye but a pretty descent smallie. That was a fun way to start the day off. After the bass excitement was over I had no hits for a while. Moved back into the inlet as the storm really started blowing in hard. That was a good move. I caught small male walleye that was probably 14 in and let the little boy go grow up. Next fish was a very nice female that went about 23 in. and about 3 1/2 -4 lbs. I also let her go to finish her spawning out. Wow" that was a good fish I thought to myself and continued to fish." Just after that I saw some people coming to fish the inlet. They saw me catch another smaller male also about 14" and decided to invade the small area that I was fishing, so now I am fishing with 4 lines in my way of making an effective cast for a good presentation. I decided to go to town and get some lunch. That also was a good move cause the rain started falling seconds after I got my truck started.
After some nourishment I decided to go back to my spot knowing those people were gone now(I saw them leave while I was eating at the gas station). As I was approaching the campgrounds I noticed a small toyota that was stuck in a big old mud hole. Hoping for some good karma I went over to see if they needed a little tug. Got them out just fine and went back to my fishing hole and newly rain soaked shore. Ahhh..I had the place back to myself. Only a few casts later and WHACK she hit me she hit my jig right off the bottom. After a head shake or two she started stripping line from the spool and made a powerful run. I knew it was big. I finally got a good look at her and just about screamed out loud like a little girl. Holding in my excitement she made another strong drag screaming run. I grabbed the net and got her into my possession. WHOLY !#*&$ I yelled out loud. She was a DANDY!!. I have successfully landed a spring walleye over 5 lbs. I did not have a tape measure or a scale but I think this fish weighed about 7-8 lbs and went over 26 inches. I was now wishing that I had some company their to take a good picture but I was all alone with the biggest walleye I have ever caught. In my mind I had a wall hanger fish but as she was my trophy and I decided to take some pics as good as I could and I LET HER GO BACK!! It was a hard decision to make but I cant change my mind now. Hopefully I will gain some more positive karma from catch n releasing all my fish today. The storm had blown back in and I caught one more little male. I left due to heavy wind and stinging rain. As I think back on it I was fishing slower than usual and with lots of confidence I was being a lot more patient than I have been when getting snagged and less jigs lost. Patience pays in many ways.
Here are the pics of the day [fishon]
After some nourishment I decided to go back to my spot knowing those people were gone now(I saw them leave while I was eating at the gas station). As I was approaching the campgrounds I noticed a small toyota that was stuck in a big old mud hole. Hoping for some good karma I went over to see if they needed a little tug. Got them out just fine and went back to my fishing hole and newly rain soaked shore. Ahhh..I had the place back to myself. Only a few casts later and WHACK she hit me she hit my jig right off the bottom. After a head shake or two she started stripping line from the spool and made a powerful run. I knew it was big. I finally got a good look at her and just about screamed out loud like a little girl. Holding in my excitement she made another strong drag screaming run. I grabbed the net and got her into my possession. WHOLY !#*&$ I yelled out loud. She was a DANDY!!. I have successfully landed a spring walleye over 5 lbs. I did not have a tape measure or a scale but I think this fish weighed about 7-8 lbs and went over 26 inches. I was now wishing that I had some company their to take a good picture but I was all alone with the biggest walleye I have ever caught. In my mind I had a wall hanger fish but as she was my trophy and I decided to take some pics as good as I could and I LET HER GO BACK!! It was a hard decision to make but I cant change my mind now. Hopefully I will gain some more positive karma from catch n releasing all my fish today. The storm had blown back in and I caught one more little male. I left due to heavy wind and stinging rain. As I think back on it I was fishing slower than usual and with lots of confidence I was being a lot more patient than I have been when getting snagged and less jigs lost. Patience pays in many ways.
Here are the pics of the day [fishon]