Fishing Forum

Full Version: hazzzardcounty, nickajack, bass, 4/25/09, 201proxl
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Well I guess we just missed the turnament this morning. We got there at 5:30 and everyone was already gone we could see everyone lined up near the main chanell ready to blast off, oh well we still had fun and I guess we will just have to be earler next time. Sorry to anyone that may have been waiting on us it was our first tourment and wasnt sure on the time to be there....<br /><br />We ended up going up to bennet lake and fishing a few hours anyway, we caught a nice pile of fish but just had three keepers, fish were real slow for us today..I hope everyone else had a good day. Our three fish weight was 6.25lb all fish were caught on super crawel green pumkin. Here is a few pics...<br /><br />