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Full Version: weber.... GOT HER
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hit the weeb this morning.... been lookin for my behemoth, toad,beast, whatever u wanna call her... all spring... got her!!! [Wink] check out the pics... no worries she lives ... 30" 8ish lbs
Congrats on the awesome trout, and thanks for sharing and releasing.
that is one dandy fish. what did you catch her on? sent her on her way for me to play another day eh? thats what I like to hear. keep the small pan sized fish, and send the lunkers back to be enjoyed by perhaps you again a few days later.
That is one monster river brown. Way to go on fulfilling your goal. I am glad your attitude is to release trophy also, it is not the way everybody thinks.
Awesome Brown!
I was freaking out when I saw this!! You deserve it man. Way to put in the time and wade though all those 22 inch dinks for the big girl. Was the water runnin high?
That's quite the dandy. Nice work man.
That is a toad!
I'm not a trout guy .....but thats one nice fish. Congrats [cool]
Incredible fish, well done! Are you going to get a replica mount?
i was thinking of gettin a replica... but i am going to save that for the 32" utah catch and release record male hoook jaw i am going too catch in the fall[Wink][cool] lol i really want a mount but i want it too be a hooky for sure... it will just look mean on my wall,, if that fish was a male i would have gotten a replica... and yes the river is very high and very muddy...
[#008000]Great job Joe ! That's a be-ute ![/#008000]
Nice fish. Th pic is funny... cig in the mouth lookin all serious.
Hey thats a great fish congrats!!!!!!! I think I better get up there..
know if that aint sexy i don't now what is. Congrats Pineviewfisher
good on ya! great looking fish! glad to hear its swimming back in there too!
I spend alot of time catching smaller trout on flies and I know how to get the big ones with large cranks and such but I always seem to go for quantity over quality. It takes alot of patience and skill or sheer luck for a fish like that. Good job landing that bruiser man!
this spring it has taken me prob 20 trips and alot of exploring too figure out what works and where too find larger fish than anywhere else.. and the fact is : there is no direct pattern, there are bruiser fish in that river everywhere... nearly every trip i try something new and somewhere new... and nearly every trip i see a fish this size some a lil smaller and some even bigger... they seem too come out of there haunts just long enough for me too get a peek.. the trick is getting lucky and using the right bait in the right spot at the right time... there is no right or wrong time of day... no lure too small or too large ( too a certain extent) and no specific water depth, speed, or color... they can be everywhere... you would be so suprised how dinky and lame a hole could hold such beast of fish... its insane.... this weekend i wasnt going too go up simply for the fact that the water level is raging and looks like chocolate... but it paid off... just had too adjust my methods [Wink]
Very nice Brown


Well done and thanks for the release.